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16 <br /> 1 measures will be calculated. If counties have continued failures in performance after corrective <br /> 2 action, the Secretary of DHHS may assume control of service delivery. These agreements apply <br /> 3 to child welfare programs, adult protective services, adult guardianship services, child support <br /> 4 and all public assistance programs except Medicaid. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Although Medicaid is not included in the agreements, there is separate legislation with additional <br /> 7 sanctions for any performance issues with Medicaid eligibility. Orange County Department of <br /> 8 Social Services (DSS) has integrated Medicaid with other public assistance programs during the <br /> 9 intake process so performance among these programs is interrelated. Social Services Reform <br /> 10 The Phase I report from the consulting firm has been published. Much of the report focuses on <br /> 11 the plan to provide support and supervision for counties through seven state regional offices. <br /> 12 Organization of county or regional offices will be addressed in Phase 11. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Child Welfare Reform The Phase I report from the consulting firm has been published. This <br /> 15 report contains a long list of recommendations including implementing a practice model that <br /> 16 emphasizes trauma informed, evidence based practice by social workers and strong state <br /> 17 supervision. Medicaid Transformation North Carolina recently received approval for its waiver to <br /> 18 move forward with integrated, managed care for Medicaid participants. Although Social Services <br /> 19 will continue to establish eligibility, participants will also need to be informed about selecting a <br /> 20 medical home. Other impacts of managed care will be realized by all Medicaid providers, <br /> 21 including county agencies such as health and transportation. Orange County is in one of first <br /> 22 regions scheduled to implement managed care with some of the Medicaid clients. <br /> 23 During the work session, Social Services will provide additional information about each of these <br /> 24 critical changes as well as anticipated impacts from these changes. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Nancy Coston acknowledged some DSS board members in the audience. She said <br /> 27 there are a lot of things going on in the DSS world, and tonight's presentation will not go into <br /> 28 great detail, and there may need to do some follow up at a later date. <br /> 29 Nancy Coston introduced Crystal Mitchell, Child Welfare Manager, who began the <br /> 30 following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Health and Human Services <br /> 33 Initiatives and County Impacts <br /> 34 April 4, 2019 <br /> 35 BOCC Regular Work Session <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Agenda <br /> 38 Child Welfare Reform <br /> 39 o Child Welfare Overview <br /> 40 o Policy Changes and Requirements <br /> 41 o Performance Measures <br /> 42 o Plan and Recommendations <br /> 43 Social Services Reform <br /> 44 o Overview and Update on Reform Plan <br /> 45 o Performance Measures <br /> 46 o Plan and Recommendations <br /> 47 Other DSS Services, Programs, and Activities <br /> 48 Medicaid Transformation <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Child Welfare Overview <br />