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14 <br /> 1 • How to know which companies to attract <br /> 2 • How are we positioned relative to competitors <br /> 3 • How to know on what to spend Article 46 funding <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Jim Kitchen said the Timmons report included 5 viable Morinaga sites within the current <br /> 6 EDDs, and if that is the case, why are Article 46 monies being used to fund water and sewer in <br /> 7 some of these EDDs. He said the EDAB feels a comprehensive ED strategic plan is vital, with <br /> 8 5, 10 and 20-year tangible, identifiable, and measurable goals, and would like to see the BOCC <br /> 9 have a serious, day long, facilitated work session with the ED staff and dedicate effort to this <br /> 10 need. <br /> 11 Commissioner Dorosin said he thought the plan was to designate the EDDs, put <br /> 12 infrastructure into them, and then work to recruit businesses to locate in the EDDs; however, he <br /> 13 would agree that this is not a plan that has worked other than Morinaga. He said one <br /> 14 consideration is to ask if the Board should start from scratch, or build onto the base of the <br /> 15 EDDs. He said at the last Board retreat, a closer look at the Eno EDD showed that it may not <br /> 16 as viable as once thought, and perhaps resources should no longer be invested into it without <br /> 17 further investigation. He said he is in favor of Jim Kitchen's suggestions, but wants to evaluate <br /> 18 how wedded to, or constrained by, the BOCC is to that which has already been done. <br /> 19 Jim Kitchen said some great pieces of the puzzle already exist: highly competent staff, <br /> 20 some fairly decent land, etc. He said the BOCC is not starting from scratch, but some basic <br /> 21 questions need to be asked: what, where, why, when, and how. He said this is not a 5-year <br /> 22 process, but rather great progress can be made by starting with "do we want this and why" and <br /> 23 allow the discussion to flow with a moderator keeping everyone on track. <br /> 24 Commissioner Marcoplos said he appreciated him prodding the Board on this, and a lot <br /> 25 of these questions have been answered in discussions, but documentation is lacking. He said <br /> 26 pre-zoning is an example, and is underway to some extent. He said the Board has also <br /> 27 discussed the EDD, and he can predict where this discussion would go if it were to continue. <br /> 28 He said he is full support of having an intense work session to hammer these details out, and <br /> 29 feels the finish line is not far away. <br /> 30 Jim Kitchen said Morinaga was a win about four years ago, but he wants to know how <br /> 31 the County will pay for new schools in the next 10 years. He said the tax bills of Orange County <br /> 32 residents need to be reduced. He said he wished that Steve Brantley's office had more of a <br /> 33 mandate to know exactly what it could and should do, if it had more to sell. He said Orange <br /> 34 County has so much to offer, but so few sites to sell. He said if Morinaga and the EDDs are <br /> 35 taken out of the equation, almost everyone would struggle to come up with any type of ED <br /> 36 strategy that exists in Orange County. <br /> 37 Commissioner McKee said he agreed with Jim Kitchen, and various discussions have <br /> 38 occurred, but nothing has been finalized. He said there are many options to pursue, but details <br /> 39 need to be determined. He said if the County moves forward, it needs to do so hard and fast; <br /> 40 and if it is not going to move forward, this also needs to be communicated. <br /> 41 Jim Kitchen said it would very helpful for the Board and ED to meet and determine a list <br /> 42 of objectives for that day's meeting, with follow up down the road. <br /> 43 Commissioner McKee said the policy issues should be addressed first, so that those <br /> 44 policies can then be used to address specific issues of one area versus another, etc. <br /> 45 Commissioner Greene said she supports the direction of this conversation, but also <br /> 46 wants to be sure to include the local food economy, and not just large industry. <br /> 47 Chair Rich said all need to be willing to coordinate with the Board's other municipal <br /> 48 partners, taking note that all ED in Orange County affects Orange County. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin said if there is a work session on this topic, there needs to be <br /> 50 some parameters, clear goals and which policies the Board wants to come out of the session <br />