Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Trustee under the Supplemental Trust Agreement referenced in Exhibit B. <br /> 6. Miscellaneous Provisions - The Board authorizes all County officers <br /> and employees to take all further action as they may consider desirable to carry out <br /> the purposes of this resolution. In particular, the Board directs the Clerk to this <br /> Board to apply the County's seal to the final form Documents, and to attest to the <br /> application of the seal. The Board ratifies all prior actions of County officers and <br /> employees to this end. Upon the unavailability or refusal to act of the County <br /> Manager, the Chair or the Finance Officer, any other of those officers may assume <br /> any responsibility or carry out any function assigned in this resolution. In addition, <br /> the Vice Chair or any Deputy or Assistant Clerk may carry out or exercise any rights <br /> or responsibilities assigned in this resolution to the Chair or the Clerk. The Board <br /> repeals all other Board proceedings, or parts of proceedings, in conflict with this <br /> resolution, to the extent of the conflict. This resolution takes effect immediately. <br />