Agenda 05-02-2019 - 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 05-02-19
Agenda 05-02-2019 - 8-a - Minutes
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4/25/2019 4:51:35 PM
Creation date
4/25/2019 4:31:32 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda 05-02-2019 Regular Board Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2019\Agenda - 05-02-19
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22 <br /> 1 Quintana Stewart said the Health Department will be seeing this coming their way in <br /> 2 November, and is currently working on contracts with the four awarded PHPs across the state. <br /> 3 Nancy Coston said all of them are in the information-gathering mode as far as the <br /> 4 provider community, and what that will look like. <br /> 5 Commissioner Bedford asked if there will be any standardizations with the PHPs forms. <br /> 6 Quintana Stewart said there is no standardization as of now, but the Health Directors <br /> 7 Association is considering hiring an attorney to do some negotiation on behalf of the Health <br /> 8 Departments to gain some consistency. <br /> 9 Nancy Coston said contracts with all four PHPs will be necessary, and there will be lots <br /> 10 of confusion. <br /> 11 Commissioner Marcoplos said it seems that there may be issues all across the state, <br /> 12 and asked if the odds are in favor of the plan surviving in the future. <br /> 13 Nancy Coston said the odds are probably around 50%, and it started with those that <br /> 14 wanted to control Medicaid. She said it expanded to include people who wanted to Medicaid to <br /> 15 pay for things that it traditionally had not. She said the first group going in will be children, and <br /> 16 there may be problems down the line if that does not go well. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin asked Nancy Coston if she can clarify how this will impact staff. <br /> 18 Nancy Coston said when clients receive packets in the mail, many will call with <br /> 19 questions, and that will impact the regular workload. She said DSS cannot tell families with <br /> 20 whom to enroll, and must simply help families understand the process. She said some <br /> 21 additional temporary staff may need to be hired. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there will be other impacts like negotiating these new <br /> 23 contracts. <br /> 24 Quintana Stewart said yes and how they will now be paid; and the same thing with OPT <br /> 25 and Emergency Services. <br /> 26 Nancy Coston said for several years it is going to be fee-for-service and capitated, <br /> 27 because not everyone is going in. She said this is confusing when determining revenue <br /> 28 sources. <br /> 29 Commissioner Bedford referred to the "removal reason for children currently in care," <br /> 30 and asked if"inadequate housing" could be clarified. <br /> 31 Crystal Mitchell said that is not an issue of homelessness, but rather inadequate housing <br /> 32 may be some safety issues in the home, like drugs, etc. <br /> 33 Commissioner Dorosin said the hour is late, and the next item may take some time. He <br /> 34 thanked DSS for the very comprehensive presentation. He said there is much to think about, <br /> 35 and how the BOCC can be most supportive. <br /> 36 Commissioner Dorosin asked if item 3 could be delayed. <br /> 37 Commissioner Greene agreed. <br /> 38 Commissioner Dorosin suggested moving the item to the April 9th work session, and <br /> 39 Commissioner Greene seconded that suggestion. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 The Board agreed to defer Item 3 until the April 9th work session and make this item 1 on <br /> 42 that agenda. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 3. Discussion on a Potential Framework for Intergovernmental Collaboration with <br /> 45 Municipal Partners <br /> 46 <br /> 47 The Board will consider discussing a potential framework for intergovernmental <br /> 48 collaboration with the County's municipal partners. <br /> 49 DEFERRED <br /> 50 <br />
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