Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE3B12B-34AF-485D-9888-6CADC04FD9D6 <br /> Attachment "B" <br /> Engineer's Scope of Work and Fee Estimate <br /> Twin Creek Culvert Replacement <br /> Carrboro, NC <br /> Description of Project Work: <br /> Hydraulic analysis, culvert design, permit approval coordination, and construction <br /> documents for culvert replacement of two (2) driveway culverts at a property located <br /> along Old NC 86 in Carrboro, NC as shown in Attachment "A". Culvert No. 1 is located <br /> within NCDOT right of way. Culvert No. 2 is [ocated within Orange County property. The <br /> work shall more specifically include: <br /> A. Hydraulic Analysis: Fee Estimate = $6,100.00 <br /> 1, Analysis of an approximately 102 acre upstream drainage basin along Buckhorn Branch <br /> and a roadside ditch. <br /> 2. Research and documentation of existing conditions to establish times of concentration <br /> and curve numbers for the drainage basins. <br /> 3. Analysis of stream channel depths during both the 10 and 25 year storm event. <br /> 4. Production of drainage calculation report using the SCS method for review by Town <br /> Engineer. <br /> 5. Preparation of supporting documents for drainage calculations such as land cover and <br /> time of concentration exhibits. <br /> B. Culvert ❑esign: Fee Estimate = $17,800.00 <br /> 1. Design Culverts#1 and #2 to pass the 10 year storm requirements under the Town of <br /> Carrboro ❑riveway Permit. <br /> 2. ❑esign Culvert#1 replacement to meet NCDOT standards. <br /> 3. Design Culverts#1 and #2 to meet minimum loading and access requirements for <br /> emergency vehicles inclusive of a 60,000-pound fire pumper truck. <br /> 4. Prepare and submit construction drawings and specifications for review and approval <br /> by the Town of Carrboro, NCDOT and the US Army Corps of Engineers as required. <br /> Provide coordination for approvals by said agencies. <br /> C. Permits: Fee Estimate = $1,200.00 <br /> 1. Prepare and submit requisite plans and reports to support Driveway Permit <br /> applications). <br /> D. Construction Services: Fee Estimate = $1,200.00 <br /> 1. Provide limited construction administration services to include site visits and <br /> participation in site meetings, responses to RFls, and shop drawing review- <br /> E. Direct Expenses: Budget Estimate = $2,600.00 <br /> Vehicle mileage, printing, etc. <br /> 5 <br />