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<br />6 CHCCS Superintendent’s Budget Request 2019-2020 <br />State Funds Revenues <br /> <br />The state of North Carolina is in the first year of the next biennium budget cycle. We have no <br />concrete data at this time; however, we do anticipate continued work towards increasing teacher pay <br />towards the state goal to be the top in the Southeast region over the next several years. Currently we <br />have included a projected average increase is 5% (last year teacher average increase was 6.5%). The <br />state also continues to have real shortfalls in funds available for retirement and hospitalization. We are <br />using the projected rates based on recent history that reflect an increase to the employer’s portion for <br />hospitalization to increase by 4% to $6,354 ($250) per employee and the retirement rate to increase to <br />19.34%, which is also a 1.5% increase from 18.86% this year. These benefit increases will impact our <br />purchasing power in our federal grant funds, child nutrition services, community schools and local <br />funds. <br /> <br />93% of our State funds are used for personnel costs. The remainder is used for classroom supplies and <br />materials, transportation and other supporting services. <br /> <br />With state revenues being the primary support for staffing, the district will be paying close attention to <br />any legislative changes that could impact our staffing and service delivery in order to compensate for <br />potential loss of state fund revenue. Our school staffing is based on formulas to ensure fair and <br />equitable distribution of staff and support across all our schools and we will be focused on the <br />alignment of those staffing resources with our strategic plan and goals while providing some flexibility <br />for schools to create the individual environments required that will best meet our students needs and <br />help them achieve success. <br /> <br />Local Funds Revenues– FY 2019-20 <br /> <br />We continue to evaluate all aspects of district operations as we align resources to ensure we continue <br />to provide the students we serve with the best possible instructional programming possible. As you <br />are aware, the district offers a wide variety of opportunities for our students and parents from dual- <br />language programming, fine arts opportunities, rigorous academic coursework aimed to challenge and <br />engage all students. The funding requested will enable the district to continue its mission and <br />investment in the future of our students. In addition our work in aligning our resources with our <br />strategic plan will help solidify the investment of resources towards continued improvement of our <br />equity efforts and instructional programs. <br /> <br />This budget request reflects our needs and the funding we feel are necessary to continuing our existing <br />instructional operations and success. We are fully committed to our partnership with Orange County <br />Living Wage to create a more just and sustainable local economy. As a Living Wage Certified <br />Employer, we are required to certify eligibility every two years. Our most recent certification is valid <br />through January 4, 2020. The hourly rate in place at the year of certification applies for two <br />consecutive years. Although the Orange County Living Wage annual living wage increase for re- <br />certification in 2020 has not yet been determined; the living wage for 2019 is $14.25, or $12.75 with <br />employer-provided health insurance. After a thoughtful analysis of our current wages and other <br />employer compensation, we are confident that the proposed three-percent increase for classified and <br />other staff contained in our continuation funding request will be adequate for our re-certification. <br /> <br />In addition to the county appropriation, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Public Schools will receive <br />approximately $882 thousand from several other sources such as Fines & Forfeitures, tax revenues <br />(sales & ABC), indirect cost and miscellaneous. We are also proposing that the Board allocate $1.5 <br />million of fund balance so as to decrease the balance currently maintained to be closer to the target <br />requested by the county commissioners. It should be noted however that the use of those funds would <br />leave the district with only 1 month operating cash should any emergencies arise. Given recent events