Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:20118219-A7E9-41F1-A36D-44700C004BFC <br /> • See Exhibit B: Run of Show for a breakdown of roles and duties of the County and <br /> CHCCS. <br /> Outcomes <br /> Recruitment: CHCCS staff, with assistance from FSA staff, will conduct outreach to eligible <br /> families and recruit incoming kindergarten students for the k-readiness program with an aim of <br /> reaching at least 55 students. <br /> Attendance: Attendance will be tracked with a goal of 90% average daily attendance rate. <br /> Program Evaluation: <br /> Quantitaive Data: School staff will collect pre and post academic assessments. <br /> Qualitative Data: School staff will collect standardized parent and teacher satisfication <br /> data (satisfaction with program, and child performance and readiness) <br /> FPG SUMMER PROGRAM <br /> The FPG summer academic and recreational program ("summer day camp") will operate for <br /> eight weeks between June and August 2019. FPG students with low reading proficiency will be <br /> given enrollment priority, and the camp will be open to all FPG students including those <br /> currently enrolled in the Family Success Alliance ("FSA") program. <br /> Duties of CHCCS School Board: <br /> 1. Provide an eight-week program for students to prepare them to enter school at grade level <br /> using an evidence-based curriculum and an appropriate teacher student ratio. <br /> 2. Recruit eligible students, providing County staff with information necessary to inform <br /> families about the camp and encourage enrollment. <br /> 3. Operate the academic portion of the summer day camp and partner with the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department ("Town") to provide afternoon enrichment <br /> programming and field trips. <br /> 4. Provide the services of program coordinators and teachers for the duration of the program. <br /> 5. Provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack to participants of the summer program as <br /> allowed under the United States Department of Agriculture's Summer Food Service <br /> Program. <br /> 6. Transport students to and from the summer day camp. The Board will provide <br /> transportation during the four weeks when the Read-to-Achieve program is concurrently in <br /> session. <br /> 7. The Board shall provide the County a Program Evaluation Report that includes total number <br /> of FSA students participating and weeks enrolled, pre/post-test data, and any additional <br /> evaluation input from parents, teachers, or students by October 1, 2019. <br /> All funds expended by the County under this Agreement are to be used to subsidize the <br /> participation by low-income and/or non-proficient students in summer programs. This applies <br /> to both Ready for K and FPG summer program. <br /> 2 <br />