Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he attended Linda Sarsour's presentation on Sunday, which <br /> was inspiring, and he commended Annette Moore for this event. He said Linda Sarsour <br /> challenged everyone to be and do better. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he petitioned several weeks ago for staff to engage with the <br /> Town of Chapel Hill about transit shortfalls, and he would like to also petition for the <br /> engagement of Carrboro/Hillsborough/Mebane to address Orange County transit needs, and to <br /> start developing changes in the interlocal agreement. <br /> Commissioner Price thanked the HRC for having the courage to present the program on <br /> Sunday. <br /> Commissioner Price said last week she attended the North Carolina Council on Women <br /> and Youth Involvement's Women's History Month program in Raleigh, which highlighted several <br /> local women. <br /> Commissioner Price said today is "equal pay" day for women, and years ago she and <br /> former Commissioner Alice Gordon tried re-convening a women's commission. She said she <br /> would like to look into this again. <br /> Commissioner Price said this is National Public Health Week, and the theme is "Creating <br /> the Healthiest Nation for Science, for Action, for Health." She commended Orange County <br /> Health Department staff for its work. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos thanked the HRC for a great program on Sunday, and said a <br /> lot of thoughtful dialogue happened afterwards. He said Linda Sarsour has been <br /> misinterpreted. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG) met last week <br /> and Michael Everhart made a presentation about saving wood from old trees and turning it into <br /> projects and artwork. He said the interlocal agreement was celebrated. He said SWAG is <br /> looking for a northern Orange County plot of land for storm debris management. He said <br /> composting is going to be looked at very closely as a major component of the waste stream. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos referred to Commissioner McKee's request, noting it could be <br /> a work session topic. He said the Board needs an overview of how decisions are made on <br /> transportation in Orange County. He said the Board needs to know who makes the decisions, <br /> such as the MPOs, the towns, the County, etc. He would like a general report. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he concurred with Commissioner Dorosin about Fred <br /> Battle who was a great leader for civil rights, and a very principled man. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she too wanted to extend her sympathies to Fred Battle's <br /> family and friends. She thanked Annette Moore for the presentation on Sunday, and asked if <br /> the entire speech was available to be posted online. <br /> Annette Moore said the County contracted with Linda Sarsour for pieces of the video to <br /> be presented publicly. She said she would ask if the entire video could be posted. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she sees this as important, especially given the controversy <br /> and that not all residents were in attendance. She said a selective portion of the speech may <br /> seem like the HRC is trying to hide something. <br /> Commissioner Greene said April is Poetry Month, and thanked the Board of County <br /> Commissioners for setting up the Arts moment. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she has seen new rural buffer signs in Orange County, and <br /> asked Bonnie Hammersley if all have gone up. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the signs are in the process of going up. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said April is also Autism awareness month, and today is National <br /> Autism Awareness today. She said she is the mother of a 31-year old daughter with autism. <br /> Commissioner Bedford commended the Information Technology staff for its efforts in <br /> regards to the service breakdown. <br /> Commissioner Bedford referred to petition at the Commissioners' places about LMEs. <br /> She petitioned the Board to support this: <br />