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5 <br /> Facebook, and she wanted to have a civil conversation with him about the Linda Sarsour <br /> event. She said she asked him if he had office hours, but he did not; and she asked if he <br /> met with constituents outside of meetings, and he said yes. She said she asked if she <br /> could meet with him about Linda Sarsour, and he said to send him an email, as he is not <br /> interested in talking to her because of past comments she has made, and that he said he <br /> has no respect for her. She said she emailed Commissioner Marcoplos, but she received <br /> no response other than the FAQ page that was distributed about the Linda Sarsour event. <br /> She said she protested against the talk, but did attend it, and Linda Sarsour referred to <br /> people with her beliefs as white supremacists. She said there was no chance for <br /> dialogue. She said the event was not allowed to be recorded and there was a last minute <br /> decision to allow staff to search people. She did not agree with either of these decisions, <br /> and felt that latter may not even be legal. <br /> Sarah Cross thanked Orange County for bringing Linda Sarsour to speak. She <br /> said she was angry because she had to pass through white supremacists, etc. on Sunday <br /> to get to her seat. She said she will not stay silent in the hatred of Muslims, and it is the <br /> responsibility of the BOCC to address this white supremacy. She said the current <br /> national administration is the root of current anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. She said <br /> she is a Jewish woman, and knows that she is not safe is Linda Sarsour, a Muslim <br /> woman is not safe. <br /> Miriam Thompson said the event on Sunday to celebrate Women's History Month <br /> was an example of the Board's sureness of purpose. She said the speaker had to face <br /> loud and hatred rhetoric outside of the event, which she rose above and offered engaging <br /> and inspiring comments. She reviewed some of the highlights of the speech. <br /> Lorena Morelock said she has no vehicle and utilizes County transportation, with <br /> which she has had many problems. She said she reached out to one of the <br /> Commissioners, who blew her off. She said she wanted answers about transportation, <br /> and would like to know how best to communicate with the Board. <br /> Riley Ruske is a US citizen and combat veteran, and is abhorred that his taxpayer <br /> monies were used to bring Linda Sarsour to Orange County. He asked the BOCC to <br /> rescind the transit tax, since light rail is dead and to cut the wasteful spending on <br /> transportation. <br /> Marc Xavier thanked the Board of County Commissioners and the HRC for <br /> bringing Linda Sarsour to speak on Sunday, and he would like her speech put on line in <br /> its entirety. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said earlier this week Democrats introduced a series of bills <br /> about LBGQT rights, including a non-discrimination provision that would add sexual orientation <br /> to non-discrimination law, which was on the Board's legislative goals. He petitioned the Board <br /> to compose a letter/resolution in support of these bills (3). <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said at the Board's last work session, the Adult Care Committee <br /> did a presentation, which mentioned legislation to raise the personal care allowance, and he <br /> petitioned the Board to issue a resolution in support of this legislation. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Fred Battle passed away this passed week, and he would <br /> like the Board to offer some type of recognition for him. <br />