Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> Debt Service to Revenue Policy (graph) <br /> Schedule for Consideration <br /> • Introduction of the Capital Investment Plan —April 2 <br /> • Work Session on Capital Investment Plan —April 9 <br /> • Further Consideration through Budget Work Sessions <br /> • Approval of the Operating and Capital Budget— June 18 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the Piedmont Food and Agriculture Processing <br /> Facility (PFAP) improvements, and the purchase of a $125,000 emergency generator. He said <br /> it would useful to know the output of the generator, and the cost of a similar size solar <br /> array/battery and if it would even be feasible. <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> NONE <br /> 6. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan Adoption <br /> The Board will consider adopting the 2019 Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access <br /> Management Plan (E-B-M AMP). <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, presented the information below: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> On April 3, 2018 the BOCC authorized the Planning Department to update the adopted 2011 E- <br /> B-M AMP in accordance with an approved public and advisory board review. <br /> This update has been conducted through a comprehensive public involvement process which <br /> included community input and recommendations from the Planning Board, Orange Unified <br /> Transportation Board (OUTBoard) and Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB). <br /> Community Meeting - August 28, 2018 <br /> The Planning staff conducted a community meeting at Gravelly Hill Middle School in the <br /> planning area. All public comments are contained in Appendix C of the E-B-M AMP. <br /> Planning Board - October 3, 2018 & Orange Unified Transportation Board - October 17, <br /> 2018. The two Boards recommended the BOCC approve the Plan with additional context. <br /> Economic Development Advisory Board - January 8, 2019 <br /> The EDAB recommended the BOCC approve the Plan with the reduced connective option. <br /> February 5, 2019 BOCC Public Hearing - No members of the public spoke on the proposed <br /> Plan. The BOCC directed staff to place the item on a subsequent meeting agenda for <br /> consideration. <br /> March 7, 2019 BOCC Meeting - Members of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church attended and <br /> offered comments on the portion of the plan that reflects a possible rail crossing relocation and <br /> grade separation near Buckhorn Road. The BOCC directed staff to meet with members of the <br /> church to review the plan, respond to questions, and place the item on a subsequent BOCC <br /> meeting for future consideration. <br />