Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> • Public Safety <br /> o Sheriff's Office Body Camera Deployment- $158,380 <br /> o EMS Substations at Waterstone and Efland - $450,000 <br /> o Communication System Radios for Sherriff's Office - $273,250 <br /> o Public Safety Vehicle Replacements - $965,550 <br /> Capital Investment Plan by the Numbers <br /> • Total Recommended Capital Expenditures - $47.4 million <br /> o County Capital - $10.1 million <br /> o Proprietary Funds - $2.9 million <br /> o School Capital - $34.4 million <br /> • Decrease from FY2018-19 - $19.3 million <br /> o Affordable Housing Bond — 2.5 million <br /> o Northern County Campus - $34.7 million <br /> o Southern Branch Library - $5.6 million <br /> o Building Remediation - $3.5 million <br /> • Debt Service Increase - $982,162 <br /> o Tax Rate Equivalent— 0.63 cents <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the total is $47.4 million, with a decrease of$19.3 million, <br /> and asked if that is already taken out of the $47.4 million. <br /> Travis Myren said yes; the amended 2018-19 CIP was $67 million. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the projects that are on the decrease, are being pushed <br /> forward. <br /> Travis Myren said the bullets under the decrease are just the big projects that were in <br /> the amended 2018-19 CIP. <br /> Commissioner Greene referred to the Southern Branch Library, and asked if the <br /> County's expense of$5.6 million could be clarified. <br /> Travis Myren said this is the County library space, in which the County will own a <br /> condominium interest. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to page 2 and the sustainability bank, and said the packet <br /> notes that a technology initiatives project has not been used for several years with a balance of <br /> $200,000. She asked if more clarification could be provided. <br /> Travis Myren said there is a board initiatives category in information technologies budget <br /> account, which has been funded at $50,000/year but gone unused for 4 years, so staff is <br /> recommending taking $50,000 out of IT board initiatives (leaving $200,000) and adding it to the <br /> sustainability bank. <br /> FY2019-24 Recommended Capital Investment Plan (pie charts) <br /> • FY2018-19 Expenditures — 80% County Capital <br /> • FY2019-20 Expenditures — 73% School Related Projects <br /> FY 2019-24 Recommended CIP Expenditures (table) <br /> FY 2019-24 Recommended CIP Financing Sources (table) <br /> Ten-year Debt Service (graph) <br /> Five year Debt Service Schedule with Potential Revenue (graph) <br />