Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 2. Public Comments <br /> a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> Cindy Talisman said she understood the County's theme for National Women's <br /> month to be "Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Non-Violence." She said this <br /> theme did not seem congruent with the keynote speaker this past Sunday, Linda Sarsour. <br /> She said she is ashamed that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the <br /> Hillsborough Mayor endorsed bringing this speaker to Orange County. She said Orange <br /> County should support unity, and this speaker was in conflict of that. She said Annette <br /> Moore informed the BOCC at its March 17 meeting, that a nationally known speaker <br /> would be coming, the identity of whom could not be revealed; she also failed to reveal the <br /> cost to bring this speaker to Orange County. She said the BOCC accepted this unknown <br /> speaker, cost and agenda, which seemed unwise. She said she does not deny Ms. <br /> Sarsour the right to free speech, but does protest the use of taxpayer money to pay for <br /> someone who promotes hatred of police officers, supports Lewis Farrakon, and has made <br /> anti-Semitic remarks. She said she would like to know the costs incurred by the <br /> taxpayers for this event, and called for the dismissal of Annette Moore immediately, for a <br /> lack of transparency with the residents of Orange County. She said she would also like <br /> the BOCC to apologize, and explain its support for this anti-Semetic speaker. <br /> Mattie Rose Crowder referred to and read page 4 of the civil rights ordinance, and <br /> asked if the civil rights ordinance was followed at Saturday's event. She said it did not <br /> promote the equal treatment of all individuals, nor did it protect the personal dignity of all <br /> individuals, nor did it prevent strife and unrest within the community. She requested that <br /> the Board of County Commissioners and HRC be much more careful in planning events <br /> and vet its speakers. She thanked Commissioner McKee for not advocating for this <br /> event. <br /> Seamus O'Neill read the following comments: <br /> Good evening and good cheer to the Commissioners and all attending tonight. My name is <br /> Seamus O'Neill and I live at 308 Charleston Lane in Chapel Hill. By trade, I am an economist <br /> and financial analyst, and as such I have served as an advisor to both Democrat and <br /> Republican elected officials and run two companies created with my business partner. <br /> Personally, I have little political history. I was born and raised a Democrat, but I have been an <br /> economic conservative for most of my adult life. I joined the Republican party only recently. <br /> I am here tonight for two reasons: <br /> First, to express my gratitude to the protesters from both sides who on Sunday, March 31St <br /> exercised their Right to Free Speech and Assembly while not interfering with the same Rights of <br /> their opponents, and to the deputy sheriffs and other law enforcement officers for their positive <br /> engagement with both groups of protesters on this highly divisive issue. By extension, <br /> compliments to the Orange County Commissioners and to the County Sheriff. <br /> Second, I wish to express my profound disappointment with the Orange County Commissioners <br /> for permitting the Orange County Human Relations Commission to invite Linda Sarsour to <br /> speak, and to spend almost $10,000 of County resources on her speech and related expenses. <br /> The Orange County Commissioners facilitated, either by act or omission, the speakership of one <br /> of the most polarizing and offensive public figures in the country today. <br /> For those that are not familiar with the brand of Linda Sarsour- she traffics in some of the most <br /> hateful ideas available in the public square — antisemitism, radical Islam, terrorism, and the <br /> demonization of women that speak out for their rights. She is smart, well-spoken, engaging, <br /> and dangerous to free people everywhere, particularly, Jews and Muslim women. Having said <br />