Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> 1 am pleased to submit the County Manager's Recommended Capital Investment Plan (CIP) for <br /> FY 2019-24 for your consideration. The CIP serves two important functions. First, it authorizes <br /> capital appropriations for the next fiscal year, but it also serves as a plan for the future. The Plan <br /> contains detailed recommendations for capital projects five years into the future and more <br /> general descriptions of projects proposed in the subsequent five years, projecting capital <br /> spending a total of ten years into the future. These future project plans are integrated into the <br /> County's debt model and budget projection model for long term financial forecasting. <br /> Recommended capital expenditures for FY 2019-20 total $47.4 million. Of this amount, $10.1 <br /> million is recommended for County capital projects, $2.9 million is recommended for proprietary <br /> fund spending including water and sewer projects, Solid Waste, and Sportsplex, and $34.4 <br /> million is recommended for school capital improvements. <br /> The recommended FY 2019-20 CIP represents a decrease of approximately $19.3 million <br /> compared to the FY2018-19 Amended CIP. The FY2018-19 amended capital budget included <br /> several large projects such as the second allocation of the affordable housing bond ($2.5 <br /> million), the Northern County Campus ($34.7 million), the Southern Branch Library ($5.6 <br /> million), and building remediation projects ($3.5 million). <br /> This memorandum describes projects that are recommended in the first year of the FY2019-24 <br /> CIP and other significant changes that are recommended for consideration in future years. <br /> Policy Priorities <br /> The Board of County Commissioners adopted a variety of policy priorities in 2016 consistent <br /> with existing Board goals. The CIP recommends funding associated with many of those <br /> priorities as well as funding for projects that have been introduced and approved conceptually <br /> as part of the Board's regular legislative process. <br /> • County Facility Resiliency to Climate Change - $3.25 million <br /> During the FY2018-19 fiscal year, the County confronted several large scales, <br /> emergency repairs related to water intrusions from extreme weather events. The <br /> impacted facilities included the Battle Courtroom, the Government Services Annex, <br /> and the Phillip Nick Waters Emergency Services Building. These repairs <br /> necessitated several amendments to the FY2018-19 Capital Budget totaling $3.5 <br /> million. Additional amendments are anticipated to advance the remediation of the <br /> Link Government Services Center, Government Services Annex, and Soltys Adult <br /> Care facility. <br /> The FY2019-20 CIP is recommending increasing the investment in County facilities <br /> to improve their resiliency to more intense and frequent weather events. The <br /> recommended investments are contained in four CIP Projects. <br /> o Government Services Annex/Board of Elections - $375,000 <br /> During FY2018-19, the County invested $643,290 to complete urgent repair <br /> and remediation of the Government Services Annex. An additional capital <br /> budget amendment will be presented for Board consideration for an <br /> additional $704,360 to complete many of the remaining remediation activities. <br /> These emergency remediation activities included relocating the electrical <br /> service, replacing the heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system, and <br />