Orange County NC Website
• Orange County Assembly of Governments meeting will be January 29. Orange County and <br /> municipalities will meet to discuss affordable housing, a comprehensive transit plan and <br /> intergovernmental cooperation opportunities. <br /> New Business <br /> Buckhorn-Mebane-Efland Access Management Plan (see attached) <br /> Orange County Planning and Inspections staff were invited to attend to address the concerns of the <br /> Advisory Board regarding the proposed "Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan. Economic <br /> Development staff and Advisory Board members expressed concerns: <br /> o Lack of input from Advisory Board (were not asked by Planning) <br /> o Timmons Group was unaware of the plan during the discussion of the SWOT Analysis <br /> o Marketing material did not contain correct site data <br /> o New roads will degrade potential for development <br /> o Prospects will be "stuck" with Access Management Plan <br /> o Plan difficult to adjust after adoption <br /> o Planning and Economic Development not working together <br /> o Sites converting to all residential zoning <br /> Craig Benedict indicated that he plans to ask the BOCC to amend the current 2011 Access Management <br /> Plan and suggested the Advisory Board offer suggestions prior to February 5, 2019 <br /> Adjournment - Chair Jim Kitchen adjourned the meeting at 1:29 pm. <br />