Planning Board Special Meeting minutes 032019
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Planning Board Special Meeting minutes 032019
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4/15/2019 5:06:05 PM
Creation date
4/15/2019 5:06:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 4/3/19 <br /> 169 <br />Lydia Wegman: It would not be legally insufficient if we deleted that sentence, is that correct? 170 <br /> 171 <br />James Bryan: Yes. 172 <br /> 173 <br />Lydia Wegman: I understand why you need a statement about burden of proof and where it falls, but it’s that last sentence 174 <br />that’s hanging me up. 175 <br /> 176 <br />James Bryan: I would encourage you to allow me to explain burden of proof, burden of persuasion, and burden of 177 <br />production. It’s one thing to think it’s legally sufficient so we can do it, but we should all have our own reason. If I had my 178 <br />way, we would just rely on the statutory language, but that is not how our UDO is set up. Our UDO is hundreds of pages 179 <br />reiterating and expanding upon the statutes. We talk about burden of proof, but we don’t use those words so much and 180 <br />use the statutory language some but it’s really a modification of everything. Durham has their own modification, different 181 <br />but fairly similar. The burden of proof is an umbrella term that is usually broken down into burden of production and 182 <br />burden of persuasion. Production could be the tangible items, the witness or the documents, and the persuasion could be 183 <br />the arguments that support that. It could also be in different context that the burden of production is when the burden 184 <br />shifts. If you were in civil court in the state of North Carolina, you would file a lawsuit with the first motion of summary 185 <br />judgement. You would have a hearing to ask the judge to throw out the case just based upon what you have because you 186 <br />don’t need a trial. This has a different standard for it than a trial. There you have a different burden of production than you 187 <br />would have at the trial. In that context, it has a different meaning, so you have to look at what you have here. I think what 188 <br />Durham does is fine. It is a little wordy, not very user friendly, and has too much legalese, but I don’t believe ours to be the 189 <br />gold standard either. There are hundreds of pages in the UDO and there are a lot of things that I don’t think are best 190 <br />practices, but if it’s not being changed right now it has opened up a Pandora’s box to mess with everything. By peeling 191 <br />away at the UDO, you bring up other issues and that’s how the reasonable accommodation came in. I think the staff has 192 <br />done a good job about addressing the problems that came up and the next thing was this burden of persuasion and how to 193 <br />get it to either to match Durham’s or to meld with ours. 194 <br /> 195 <br />David Blankfard: In our UDO is there a definition for burden of persuasion? When I looked it up, there is an article from 196 <br />Law Cornell that says the definition for burden of persuasion. Can we have that put in as this is what this means, along 197 <br />with the need for factuals, information, and for it to be presented? 198 <br /> 199 <br />James Bryan: Yes, but I recommend against it. It makes sense to clarify, but if you have a definition of it, you are defining 200 <br />a term used by Durham and Durham might define it differently and you therefore lose that benefit from it. If you are silent 201 <br />then you could say, yes, that is what we meant. I think you are not at a risk when you say, yes, that is what we meant 202 <br />because I think burden of persuasion and burden of proof is so well established in the law that is it competent, material, 203 <br />substantial evidence for the standards found in the UDO. 204 <br /> 205 <br />Hunter Spitzer: I am still confused with how burden of persuasion is distinct from burden of proof. How is adding 206 <br />persuasion something more than just burden of proof? What does it add that we wouldn’t have without it, and what makes 207 <br />that different than just the regular burden of proof defined in case law? 208 <br /> 209 <br />James Bryan: I think what I am hearing is that you’ve added that the burden of proof is broken down into production and 210 <br />persuasion. Production is the documents and persuasion is the arguments. In the UDO, we are explicit that the burden is 211 <br />on the applicant to produce the documents but didn’t say anything about the arguments. It was implicit and this is making 212 <br />it explicit. 213 <br /> 214 <br />Hunter Spitzer: This definition is only added in 2.10.3 and 2.11.3? 215 <br /> 216 <br />Michael Harvey: No, it was added to 2.10.3, 2.11.3, 5.3.2, the sections dealing with Variances, Interpretations and 217 <br />Special Use Permits. 218 <br /> 219 <br />Hunter Spitzer: Okay. 220 <br /> 221 <br />Carrie Fletcher: Part of the comments were to keep it so the average person could do it on their own without legal 222 <br />assistance and to keep it cost effective. You understand the terminology, but the average person may not and therefore 223 <br />you are going to end up requiring the applicant to hire legal help. 224
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