Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.7: Standards for Recreational Uses <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-93 <br /> <br />A formal site plan shall be submitted showing the current and proposed conditions of the <br />property, including: <br />(1) Existing impervious surface calculations, <br />(2) Location of stormwater retention sites, <br />(3) The location of all structures and their distance from all property lines, <br />(4) The location of the septic field and repair areas, <br />(5) The location of petroleum storage containers and re-fueling areas, <br />(6) The location of all existing vegetation and buffer areas, <br />(7) All parking areas including internal traffic circulation patterns for the property, and <br />(8) All other required information outlined within Section 2.5 of this Ordinance. <br />(B) Standards of Evaluation <br />Prior to any land disturbing activity on the property, including the expansion of any <br />existing uses, the property shall be brought into compliance with Section 6.15 of this <br />Ordinance. <br />(9)(1) A 50-foot wide landscaped buffer shall be installed along any portion(s) of <br />property with public road frontage in accordance with the provisions of Section <br />6.8 of this Ordinance. In those instances where there are existing structures, <br />raceways, or vehicular use areas already encroaching into the required <br />landscaped area, the applicant shall condense the required plantings into the un- <br />encroached landscaped area. The ultimate intent of this landscape area, for <br />existing and new facilities, is to: <br />(a) Provide noise attenuation, <br />(b) Shield the direct view of the activities from surrounding residential uses, <br />(c) Provide formal, defined, entries into the facility, and <br />(d) Naturalize the perimeter. <br />(10)(2) A 200-foot landscape and conservation buffer/easement shall be established <br />along all other property perimeters. The entire forest canopy shall be actively <br />maintained and managed at all height levels as a semi-opaque, intermittent <br />visual buffer. Land use buffers may be modified to improve their appearance, <br />functions and overall condition. Permitted modifications may include <br />reforestation, woodland management, landscape enhancement, or stream buffer <br />protection. <br />(11)(3) Existing and proposed signage shall comply with Section 6.12 of this Ordinance. <br />(12)(4) The facility owner shall demonstrate compliance with Section 6.9 of this <br />Ordinance and, specifically, complete the following: <br />(a) Properly define and delineate the parking and travel lanes on the <br />property, and <br />(b) Define and delineate emergency vehicle access points and fire lanes on <br />the property. <br />(13)(5) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT to complete a traffic intersection <br />analysis for access points along any state-maintained road or highway to <br />determine need for access improvements such as left turn lanes or deceleration <br />lanes. <br />(14)(6) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT, the State Highway Patrol, and County <br />officials to address traffic management issues to coordinate acceleration and <br />deceleration lanes at approved entrance and exit points on the property during <br />major events. <br />99