Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.7: Standards for Recreational Uses <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-80 <br /> <br />(i) Residential land use including any open space established as <br />part of the residential subdivision approval process, <br />(ii) Church and/or place of worship, <br />(iii) School (public, private, or specialty), <br />(iv) Public or private library, <br />(v) State licensed child care facility, or <br />(vi) Public park or recreational facility. <br />(c) Measurement shall be made in a straight line, without regard to the <br />intervening structures or objects, from the nearest portion of the building <br />or structure used as the part of the premises where a sexually oriented <br />business is conducted to the nearest portion of a building, structure, or <br />open space area of a use listed above. <br />SECTION 5.7: STANDARDS FOR RECREATIONAL USES <br />5.7.1 Recreational Uses as Accessory Uses <br />(A) Use Standards - Residential Land Uses <br />In addition to the requirements contained within this Ordinance, recreational uses <br />developed as an accessory use to a residence shall abide by the following: <br />(1) General Standards <br />(a) Accessory recreational uses shall not be open to the public or serve as a <br />recreation amenity for other lots. <br />(b) Amenities, equipment, and/or facilities intended for spectators such as <br />bleachers or public address systems shall not be permitted. <br />(c) Outdoor sports field lighting, as detailed within Section 6.11, shall be <br />prohibited. <br />(2) Specific Standards <br />(a) Motor Cross and Go-Kart Tracks <br />(i) All tracks and/or paths shall be located a minimum of 100 feet <br />from a property line. <br />(ii) A track or path shall not cross over active septic fields. <br />(iii) A Type B Land Use Buffer, as detailed in Section 6.8, shall be <br />required around the portion of the property where the track is <br />located. <br />(B) Use Standards - Non-residential Land Uses <br />In addition to the requirements contained within this Ordinance, recreational uses <br />developed as an accessory use to a non-residential land use shall abide by the following: <br />(1) Uses shall not constitute Recreational Facilities. <br />5.7.2 Recreational Facilities <br />(A) General Standards of Evaluation <br />(1) The standards included herein shall be applied to recreational facilities as a <br />principal use of property. <br />(2) The minimum lot area shall be two acres. <br />94