Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 25 <br /> Section 2.24: Governmental Uses <br /> The Planning DireGtor may require greater setbaGks and/or additienal landsGaping or <br /> from adjeinino properties$ <br /> 7 7Z A AnnliGatien AppfGyal <br /> (A) if the appliGation is approved, either with or without Gonditions, the PlanRing DiFeGtor sh <br /> send the appliGant a letter inferming horn er her A-f the appreval and ef the requirements e <br /> this Ordinance that apple to the day care enter in sirdence fer Z to 17 children <br /> (B) The letter must be signed by the appliGant te indiGate his er her willingness te eperate the <br /> nd condmtions sot forth in the letter <br /> (G) EaGh letter shall be kept OR file by the Planning DireGter and shall Genstitute the appr <br /> for the day core reenter in a residence for 4 to 17 children in o estien <br /> 7 7Z 5 AnnliGatien denial <br /> if the application is denied, the Planning Director shall notify the applicaRt ef the deRial and shall <br /> state the reasons for menial in writing. <br /> Anneal Ceyoew <br /> Each day care c nter on a Fesidenee fe-r 2- te 12 Gh*!dFeR approved by the PaRRiRg D4FeGteF shall <br /> evaluation forsuch facilities 9 <br /> 9 9Z 6 Miner Changes to Approval <br /> eriginal approval and provided that any Ghange in the operation GOMPlieS with the standards of <br /> evaluation a SpeGified in Sectien 5.8.1. <br /> Changes in Operation <br /> not Gomply with the standards for evaluation as speGified in SeGtion 5.8.1 shall Gonstitute a <br /> modffiGation and shall require the approval of a Class B SpeGial Use Permit by the Board of <br /> Adjustment under the previsions of Sectien 2.7 of this Ordinance <br /> 9 9Z 4 AnneaThe appliGant may appeal the deGision of the Planning DireGtOF tO the BE)ard Of Ad UstMent as set <br /> forth in Sectien 2.27. <br /> 2.24.1 Applicability <br /> The following applies to those land uses permitted within the Governmental Uses land use <br /> category as detailed within Section 5.2. <br /> 8 Staff will be eliminating discretionary language for this particular land use.. <br /> 9 Staff is concerned over requiring/allowing for annual inspections of a permitted use. We do not engage in similar <br /> inspections for other similar permitted uses and do not believe there is essentially a need to do so for this use. <br /> Orange County, North Carolina-Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-74 <br />