Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.9: Standards for Utilities <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-105 <br /> <br />(d) Parking areas and driveways used in connection with facilities <br />constructed pursuant to this Section shall either be surfaced or shall be <br />located and maintained in a condition so that dust and dirt will not settle <br />on adjoining properties as a result of their use. Driveway entrances shall <br />be located in a manner that will create as few additional traffic hazards <br />as possible. <br />(e) Screening <br />(i) Buildings, structures, equipment or material shall be screened by <br />either a durable masonry wall, or a fence, or by natural planting, <br />designed to be compatible with the character of adjoining <br />properties, in order to materially screen the uses within the <br />subject property from the view of adjacent properties. <br />(ii) Screening shall be required along any portion of the perimeter of <br />the parcel, easement, or leasehold located adjacent to property <br />zoned for residential use, except where such property is owned <br />or leased by a utility, and used by the utility for public utility <br />purposes. <br />(iii) Where screening is required, walls and fences shall be at least <br />five feet in height, but need not be greater than seven feet in <br />height, measured from the ground along the common lot line of <br />adjoining properties. Walls and fences shall be constructed and <br />maintained in a safe and sound condition. <br />(iv) Where natural planting is used as screening, a strip of land at <br />least ten feet in width shall be reserved for this purpose. The <br />planting strip shall be composed of an arrangement of shrubs <br />and trees. The shrubs shall be evergreen and shall be arranged <br />in two rows as minimum and planted at an initial height of at <br />least three feet, with distance between shrubs being not more <br />than five feet. The shrubs shall be of such variety that an <br />average height of at least six feet could be expected as normal <br />growth within no more than two years from the time of planting. <br />Trees, which may be eight evergreen or deciduous, shall <br />augment the arrangement of shrubs so that there will be a <br />screening effect of opacity to materially screen the use within the <br />subject property from the view of adjacent properties. <br />(4) The minimum required lot area for such uses shall be 5,000 square feet. The <br />facility shall be located on a parcel or easement across the parcel, (whether <br />owned or leased by the utility) which has been recorded with the Orange County <br />Register of Deeds. <br />(5) Access easements extending from an approved public or private road to the <br />facility shall be a minimum width of 30 feet. <br /> <br />5.9.2 Electrical Substations, Switching and Metering Stations, and Associated Transmission <br />Lines, Where Incoming Voltage Does Not Exceed 100 Kilovolts (kv) <br />(A) General StandardsStandards of Evaluation <br />(1) Perimeter fencing and setbacks for the utility structure shall be provided in <br />accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code. <br />(2) The components of the facility, including but not limited to towers, transformers, <br />circuit breakers, metering devices, and supporting latticework, shall be contained <br />within a geometric area not to exceed 12,000 square feet. <br />108