Orange County NC Website
Article 5: Uses <br /> Section 5.7: Standards for Recreational Uses <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 5-94 <br /> <br />(15)(7) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT and County officials to post proper <br />signage on the property directing traffic through a one-way ingress and egress <br />location. <br />(16)(8) A litter collection and recycling system shall be developed throughout the <br />grounds and at all points of egress. During events facility employees shall <br />remove trash from the receptacles in a timely manner. <br />(17)(9) All new facilities shall install noise abatement systems to ensure compliance with <br />applicable County noise regulations. For existing facilities, the property <br />owner/managers shall provide a noise abatement system to reduce sustained <br />noise levels at the property lines to the lowest practical level. To accomplish this <br />goal, the owners/managers have the option of employing, either singly or in <br />combination, any of the following: <br />(a) Requiring all competition vehicles to have functional noise mufflers <br />attached at all times; <br />(b) Installing a system of noise baffles, berms, or walls on the perimeter of <br />the racetrack facility incorporated into the design and placement of any <br />lighting system and viewing stands, and/or <br />(c) Depressing the elevation of the raceway track surface, or <br />(d) Some other innovative noise abatement system. <br />(18)(10) Limits on racing activities shall be such that no race shall extend beyond 11:00 <br />p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, or beyond 9:00 p.m. on other evenings. <br />Practice activities shall not commence before 10:00 a.m. on any day and shall <br />cease by 9:00 p.m. <br />(19)(11) All external lighting fixtures shall comply with Orange County lighting standards <br />(Section 6.11). <br />(20)(12) No storage of hazardous materials shall be permitted, except for racing fuel and <br />lubricants. Such material storage areas shall be enclosed and posted and the <br />Orange County Fire Marshal shall approve a pollution incident prevention plan for <br />the storage facility prior to final occupancy permits. <br />(21)(13) If additional or accessory land uses are desired, the facility owner shall cause a <br />new site plan to be created outlining the location and nature of the proposed new <br />land use, demonstrating compliance with this Ordinance. <br />(22)(14) The County shall approve a construction schedule to complete the items listed <br />above. <br />5.7.7 Guest Ranch <br />(A) Standards of Evaluation for ASE-CZ Zoning District <br />(1) Minimum lot size: 25 acres. <br />(2) Application materials shall include a comprehensive groundwater study, for <br />facilities expected to use more groundwater on an annual basis than an average <br />single family residence (which uses 240 gallons of water per day) built at the <br />highest density the existing zoning district would allow. For example, if the <br />existing zoning district allows a residential density of 1 unit for 2 acres and the <br />proposed use is on a six acre parcel (which could yield 3 residences), the <br />proposed use(s) may use three times the water used by an average single family <br />residence (or 720 gallons per day, on an annualized basis) before a <br />comprehensive groundwater study is required. The water usage rates of any <br />existing use subject to zoning regulations located on the same lot shall be taken <br />into account when determining if a comprehensive groundwater study is required. <br />Said study shall detail: <br />100