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39 <br />nutrient pollution -both from point source dischargers and from non-point runoff The pollution <br />`load' is calculated to a tlneshold for what a healthy Jordan Lake can handle (Total Maximwn <br />Daily Load - TMDL) and then this reduced amount of nutrient `load" is allocated to all the <br />sources of pollution. <br />^ This strategy mandates reductions in the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the <br />lake from all wastewater treatment plants. <br />^ New rules are proposed to reduce polluted run-off into streams from land and paved <br />surfaces such as mandatory undisturbed stream buffers, better agricultural, storm water, <br />and on-site wastewater protections. <br />After public comment, The Draft plan will go back to the Enviromnental Management <br />Commission for a vote this July. We expect a hard fight to get this plan through because of <br />opposition from local governments who balk at spending more on pollution controls and <br />development and agricultural interests who resist new water protection rules. <br />Help from the Legislature: <br />As we go to press, a `Drinking Water Reservoir Protection Act" bill has been introduced in the <br />Senate (SB 981) and the House of Representatives (HB 1134) that will address problems in these <br />reservoirs before they are listed as impaired. In addition it will require the EMC to report to the <br />legislature next year on the progress of the Nutrient Plan for Jordan Lake and its implementation. <br />Take Action: <br />The Haw River Assembly was a key stakeholder in the process that led to the Draft plan. We <br />have made recommendations to strengthen parts of the plan further, including safeguards on any <br />pollution trading programs, and equally stringent protections for the middle part of the lake <br />where massive new developments using spray irrigation WWTP are being built in Chatham <br />County.. <br />^ To read the draft report use this liiilc for the DWQ website: <br />To read the Haw River Assembly's comments go to our website: www.hawriver.or~ <br />Attend the Nutrient Management Strategy attd TMDL Public Meeting <br />May 2, 2005, 6:00 pm in Building 1, Alarna~tce Connnunity College, in Graham (at Hwy <br />54 exit off I-85/40) <br />^ Tell DENR you support the Draft report -send comments to Michelle Woolfolk at DWQ <br />by May :31, 2005. Email: <br />^ Tell your representatives at the General Assembly to support the Drinking Water <br />Reservoir Protection Act" bilk Go to <br />htto:// html <br />^ Tell your local government officials in the Haw River and Jordan Lake watershed <br />that you support new protections for clean water for Jordan Lalce NOW-and so <br />should they. We cannot wait any longer. <br />(HRA's Executive Director Elaine Chiosso reps°esented the Harov Rive~° Assembly and other <br />envirom~aental interests dm°ing the Joy°dan L,a1ce Stalceholde~° P~rojeet from May 100.3 -until <br />December 2004) <br />