Orange County NC Website
35 <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE <br />DRINHING WATER RESERVOIR PROTECTION ACT <br />and the <br />B. EVERETT JORDAN RESERVOIR, NORTH CAROLINA NUTRIENT <br />MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD PLAN <br />WHEREAS, citizens of Nortlr Carolina have an inherent right to clean, high quality drinking water. <br />WHEREAS, rivers, takes and drinking water reservoirs continue to degrade in water quality under the present <br />management system. <br />WHEREAS Jordan Lake is rated as an impaired water resource due to excess nutrients - nirogen and <br />phosphorus -and requires additional scrutiny for the protection of this drining water resource, <br />WHEREAS water flows From one region and jurisdiction to the next, traversing the boundaries of towns and <br />counties wherein water quality must be maintained.. <br />WHEREAS towns and counties cannot independently protect drinking water resources. <br />WHEREAS state mandated water quality requirements ensure that all entities within the boundaries of North <br />Carolina equally share the responsibilities for maintaining and improving water quality. <br />WHEREAS, state efforts to clean up degraded reservoir waters have lagged for years beyond their projected <br />timelines. <br />WHEREAS, the cost of treating degraded water for drinking accrues to the taxpayers of the cities.. <br />WHEREAS, the recreational water quality of reservoirs must be protected before pollution violates health <br />standards. <br />WHEREAS, there has been no comprehensive, statewide assessment of the water quality status of drinking <br />water reservoirs. <br />WHEREAS, the DRINKING WATL^R RESERVOIR PROTECTION ACT is a carefully drawn proposal to <br />assess the status of drinking water reservoirs across the state, to put state clean-up efforts on a reasonable <br />schedule, and to prevent pollution problems before the damage is done, saving local taxpayers the additional <br />cost of treatment. <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners finds and believes that adopting the Drinking Water <br />Reservoir Protection Act will help protect public health, preserve the recreafional and economic value of the <br />takes, and create opportunity for further growth and economic development. <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners supports the B EVERTT JORDAN RESERVOIR, <br />NORTI-I CAROLINA NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND TOTAL. MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD <br />PLAN, as proposed by the NC Division of Water Quality to the Environmental Management Commission, <br />which will protect Jordan Lake from excess nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from wastewater treatment <br />plants and tsnoff <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br />:CONBVIISSIONERS DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. That the foregoing is true, correct and adopted. <br />Z, That Orange County urges the North Carolina General Assembly to pass the proposed Dritrlting Water' <br />Protection Act. <br />3. That Orange County urges the Department of Environment and Naturai Resources to move ahead with the <br />Nuhient Management Strategy as drafted-. <br />