Orange County NC Website
3~ <br />exemption may not be developed for five years if the clearing removes trees in city <br />required buffers. <br />• The City of Durham requires 50 ft buffers for,jurisdictional wetlands, <br />Ooen Snace -The City of Durham has been developing an extensive greenway system, <br />acquiring thousands of feet yearly of floodplain and floodway land by both fee simple <br />purchase and dedications of easements, The City has a Parks and Recreation Master Plan and <br />a Trails and Greenways Master Plan each of which provide for open space acquisition. The <br />City currently holds almost 1300 acres of land for recreation use, 71 % of which is developed <br />as public parks. The park on our most recent acquisition (105 acres near the Little River <br />Reservoir) is being plumed to minimize impervious surface by sharing parking and roads <br />with an adjacent middle school. <br />Stormwater Education -The City of Durham has a very active program led by a full-time <br />educator dedicated to providing stornwater education. The progrin uses a variety of <br />methods to educate the general public, including radio and television advertising (tluough the <br />Clean Water Education Partnership), and direct mail campaigns, The program also targets <br />problem business sectors to improve knowledge and awareness of steps that responsible <br />businesses can take steps to reduce impacts. The program conducts outreach at elementary <br />schools, booths at public events, stream clean ups, storm drain mincing, and education <br />activities with homeowner groups. The program also provides Project WET (Water <br />Education for Teachers) training to train local teachers. <br />Stream monitoring -The City of Durham conducts several stream monitoring programs to <br />assess standards compliance and use support, support stressor analyses, evaluate trends, and <br />target our water quality protection and restoration work. The City collects benthic macro <br />invertebrates annually in the summer at 19 sites. The City conducts monthly ambient stream <br />monitoring at 38 sites, with an additional 15% of quality assurance samples, <br />Dur°Izanr County <br />Stormwater Management for New Development -Durham Cowrty requires that post- <br />development flow rates increase by no more thazr 10% over pre-development flow rates for <br />the one-year, 24-hour storm. <br />Riparian Buffer Protection -Durham County requires 50 ft buffers for any waterbody on <br />either USGS or NRCS Soil Survey maps. <br />Orange Comzty <br />Stormwater Muiagement for New Development -Orange County 's controls on new <br />development include: <br />• An Erosion Control program that requires LD pernits for all sites disturbing more <br />than 20,000 square feet (or 10,000 squaze feet in the University Lake Watershed). <br />Orange County implements this program for the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill, <br />as well, <br />6 <br />