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a5 <br />reduced the concentration of nitrogen within New Hope Creek. This assertion is proven <br />by the DWQ memorandum Tiā€¢end Analysis of Nutrient and TSS Cwtcenh~ations in the <br />CFRB (October 15, 2004). Despite increased development in the Upper New Hope Arm <br />Subwatershed, the concentrations of total suspended solids and total phosphorus have <br />remained constant in New Hope Creels during the 1990-2004 period, and total nitrogen <br />has decreased steadily since 1990. <br />Adaptive Management: <br />L All participants of the Jordan Lake Stakeholder Project supported an adaptive <br />management approach to the .Jordan Lalse nutrient management strategy. We recommend <br />that the EMC include explicit provisions within the B. Evet°ett Jordmr Reservoir, North <br />Carolina Nutrient Management Strategy and Total Maxinnan Daily Load document tlrat <br />specifies activities and a schedule for implementation, <br />2. We recommend that enhanced water quality monitoring of .Jordan Lake and its tributaries <br />begin as soon as possible. The monitoring program would last for four years, would <br />complement the efforts of the DWQ as described iu the Nutrient Management Strategy <br />document, and would be funded by local goverunents. The local govermnent monitoring <br />program would consist of & in-lake locations, as well as a stream location on White Oak <br />Creels. The monitoring program would include physical parameters, nutrients, carbon, <br />chlorophyll a, algal species and algal density. <br />3. Following the four-year water quality monitoring period, local governments would fund a <br />ane-year project that would include enhancement of the Jordan Lake Nutrient Response <br />Model and evaluation of the TMDL and nutrient targets for Jordan Lalse. We would <br />extend the calibration of the model to include three of the four years of water quality data <br />collected during the enhanced monitoring program, and use the remaining year of water <br />quality data to revalidate the model. We would use the recalibrated and revalidated <br />Jordan Lake Nutrient Response Model to analyze the nutrient targets established by the <br />state for the tluee arms of Jordan Lake (CJpper New Hope, Lower New Hope urd Haw <br />River). <br />4. These aforementioned activities would be consistent with the DWQ schedule for the <br />Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. <br />5. We recommend that the EMC commit to reviewing the etIlranced Jordan Lake Nutrient <br />Response Model upon its completion, and with DWQ recommendation, approving its <br />application for nutrient target analyses. <br />6. We recommend that the EMC cotmnit to re-evaluating the Jordan Lake TMDL, nutrient <br />targets, and nutrient management strategy based on the results of the TMDL, and nutrient <br />target analyses conducted with the approved .Jordan Lalse Nutrient Response Modeh <br />Immediate Implementation: <br />1. We recommend that the EMC implement the DWQ's strategies for Agriculhu°e, Nutrient <br />Management and Buffer Protection, and proceed to rule making as soon as possible. <br />Local govermnents would support the state in that effort. <br />2. We recorrunend that the EMC implement the DWQ's strategy for New Development, and <br />proceed to rule making as soon as possible, Furthermore, we recommend that any <br />Storrnwater Rule for New Development apply to the entire area of the Upper New Hope <br />Ann and Lower New Hope Arm Subwatersheds. No,jurisdiction within those areas <br />