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8. Everett./ordan Resernoir Nutrient MmvaQemenr Sn-ate~v and Th1D/ -PuGlic /teoiea~ Draf <br />Li 2003, a stakeholder group was established to assist DWQ and the NC Environmental <br />Management Commission (EMC) in developing the Jordan Lake TMDL. and a nutrient management <br />strategy for the .Jordan Lake Watershed. The TMDL, target was drafted after a series of meetings. <br />The TMbL target for the Haw River Arm of the lake is 8 % total N reduction and 5 % total P <br />reduction, both relative to the baseline period of 1997,2001- The TMDL target fbr the Lipper <br />New Hope Arm of the lake is 35 % total N reduction and 5 % total P reduction, both relative to the <br />baseline period of 1997-2001 (Michelle Woolfolk, 2003)t The middle and lower portions of the <br />New Hope Arm are currently meeting their intended uses.. However, DWQ has proposed a cap on <br />existing loading to maintain current conditions in this heavily-used portion of the lake and to <br />prevent loading to this portion from affecting conditions in the impaired and stressed portions <br />(Upper New Hope and Haw River Arms). <br />Proposed Strategy for Public Comment <br />The stakeholders and DWQ staff developed and evaluated several possible scenarios of NPS <br />management strategies before DWQ prepared the recommended strategy for public comment in <br />Table 3, below. The five scenarios are provided in an Appendix for information purposes, They <br />covered the spectrum of possibilities from completely voluntary to full regulation of all significant <br />nutrient sources. <br />The resulting NPS management strategy proposed here builds from concepts implemented in the <br />Neuse and Tar-Pamlico River Basins.. It is recognized that this strategy will be controversial in <br />some quarters, and that public input will be needed before the Division staff can recommend a final <br />strategy to the Water' Quality Committee and the Environmental Management Commission for <br />potential rule-making. <br />For the subject areas of agriculture, urban stormwater, nutrient management, and riparian buffer <br />protection, the Division would propose to work in general from the rules adopted in the 7ar- <br />Pamlico River Basin. The text of each of the Tar-Pamlico rules can be found at <br />httn:// <br />Control of point and nonpoint sources of nutrients may require a higher reduction percentage if reductions from <br />background sources are not sought and therefore must be achieved elsewhere. If the necessary reduction is achieved by <br />the point and nonpoint sources in proportion to their contribution to existing load, the targets for implementation would <br />increase to 9% 7N and 6% 7P reduction in the Haw River Arm, and 42% TN and 7% 7P reduction in the Upper New <br />]lope Arm <br />D 14'O AOodelirzg ~ TdIDL Unil, h'4 page 9-17 <br />