Orange County NC Website
~a <br />4. Forestry Provisicns <br />While the pending House Bill 1172 would strip away the few opportunities that <br />Iccal governments currently have in engaging the forestry community in dialogue <br />about promoting good forestry and notification of forest management activities, <br />this provisions have been identified as important and the Board may wish to <br />reiterate support for these measures, regardless of the outcome of the pending <br />legislative bill. <br />5. Feasibility Study for Existing Development Non-Point Source Strategy <br />One of the most substantial undertakings (and highest potential financial <br />implications) of the proposed rules relates to the provisions requiring upfits and <br />retrofits to existing stormwater control measures. While the impacts on Orange <br />County jurisdiction (the Rural Buffer and other rural areas) would appear to be <br />less significant, this is a matter of great concern to the more-urban and densely- <br />populatedjurisdictions. Some of the jurisdictions would like to propose a <br />feasibility study for this component of the proposed rules to gauge whether such <br />retrofits could be accomplished, and if pursued, how much of an impact they <br />would have on the nutrient loading to the lake, <br />6. Phase II NPDES and Orange County Jurisdiction /Scope of Application <br />for stormwater Rules <br />It is still uncertain whether or not Orange County will be required to participate in <br />the Phase II NPDES stormwater program in general, or as a result of the Jordan <br />Lake TMDL and Nutrient Management Strategy. This may be a matter for further <br />discussion. <br />Attachments <br />Attachment 1 -Maps of 7ardan lake Watershed, Upper New Hope Arm and <br />Orange County Cape Fear Basin <br />Attachment 2 -Proposed DWQ Nutrient Management Strategy/TMDL <br />Attachment 3 -Master list of Recommendations (Upper New Hope Arm Work <br />Group) <br />Attachment 4 -Resolutions Received from Citizens for Clean Water <br />Attachment 5 -Phase II NPDES Rules <br />Attachment 6 - Summary of Neuse Basin Rules <br />to <br />