Agenda - 05-23-2005-w2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-23-2005
Agenda - 05-23-2005-w2
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8/29/2008 8:25:02 PM
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8/29/2008 10:27:40 AM
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Issues for Possible Comment <br />If the County chooses to provide comments to the DWQ prior to May 31 <br />deadline, there are a number of different areas and topics within which it could do <br />so. The following list of possible issues far comment is taken in large part from <br />the Upper New Hope Arm Work Group (Attachment 3) and resolutions in support <br />of the DWQ proposal from Citizens far Clean Water and Haw River Assembly <br />(Attachment 4): <br />1, Comprehensive, Coordinated Protection of Water Quality for Jordan Lake <br />While elementary in nature, both the utility providers and the citizen groups share <br />an interest in the NCDWQ.,.that of implementing measures that will help protect <br />Jordan Lake, whether the NCDWQ proposal or some modified approach as <br />suggested by the Upper New Hope Arm jurisdictions. As noted by the Citizens for <br />Clean Water resolution on Jordan Lake Reservoir, protection of the lake's water <br />will need to be coordinated and regional in scope in order to be effective, A <br />general statement of support far new and specific measures to protect the water <br />quality would be common ground held by all parties, and an important note to <br />retain sight of. <br />2. Adaptive Management and Further Research. <br />The Upper New Hope Arm Work Group has noted that an adaptive management <br />approach to the Jordan Lake TMDL and strategy might be prudent, given <br />questions about the modeling to date and a perceived need for additional data <br />about the lake and its current and projected future water quality. For example, <br />enhanced water quality modeling has been proposed over afour-year period to <br />complement previous work and examine and validate findings related to <br />nutrients, carbon, chlorophyll a and other algal parameters, Following the four- <br />yearmodeling, the local governments might fund cone-year project to update <br />and enhance the Jordan Lake Nutrient Response Model -evaluating the <br />reduction targets and calibrating the model to include the extra years or water <br />monitoring, The recalibrated and updated model would then be used to analyze <br />and potentially modify the nutrient reduction targets proposed by NCDWQ. <br />3. Agricultural Rules Implementation <br />To date, the involvement of the agricultural community in the .Jordan Lake rules <br />has been minimal, despite efforts to engage different groups as part of the <br />.Jordan Lake Stakeholders Group, Substantial efforts to explain and inform <br />agricultural organizations might be wise prior to the implementation of the new <br />rules - so that meaningful comment can be solicited and received prior to <br />implementation. <br />
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