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f <br /> APPROVED JUL,Y 9, 2018 <br /> 389 conclusion that the county would have to pay attorney's fees. She said the board has to make decisions on <br /> 390 what it thinks is right or wrong and not worry about that. <br /> 391 <br /> 392 Barry Katz said theoretically after LeAnn Brown examines the information she seeks, one of the primary <br /> 393 determinations he thinks he hears from her is that the Planning Department was in error in making a <br /> 394 decision because of the lack of understanding of the chain of ownership and whether the owner was in a <br /> 395 position to make a request for a legitimate certificate. <br /> 396 <br /> 397 LeAnn Brown said it is a simple question: who owns the property? Southeast Property Group LLC. Whose <br /> 398 name is on the certificate? Somebody else. The county did a pretzel twist to say well, this entity is really the <br /> 399 same as this entity, she said. <br /> 400 <br /> 401 Barry Katz said it could have been a misunderstanding to actually grant it. Whatever entity it is that owns <br /> 402 this property did not have to appear before this board for a special use permit, etc., and then was granted <br /> 403 the use of this property to put the barn up in error. <br /> 404 <br /> 405 LeAnn Brown said they applied for a special use permit. The board denied it. They appealed it and the <br /> 406 appeal was not perfected. They built the barn and took the position that the property qualified for the farm <br /> 407 exemption. And then the statute changed. <br /> 408 <br /> 409 Barry Katz asked whether there was any case law that if an entity applies for a special use permit, it is <br /> 410 bound by the results of that application. <br /> 411 <br /> 412 LeAnn Brown said she thinks there is. If the board looks at the errors she has alleged in the case in chief, <br /> 413 she will make the argument again that the event business should be stopped. <br /> 414 <br /> 415 Barry Katz said over the two or three years this case has been coming before the Board of Adjustment, <br /> 416 there has been an evolution in terms of how the entity presents itself. He asked whether there is any <br /> 417 requirement from the entity to establish that they are a legitimate operating farm that has continuous <br /> 418 income while they do this event business, <br /> 419 <br /> 420 LeAnn Brown asked that her answer on that be saved for a hearing on the merits. <br /> 421 <br /> 422 Barry Katz said he had the impression that this would be a very different kind of hearing, so he had that <br /> 423 question in mind. <br /> 424 <br /> 425 LeAnn Brawn said she had asked to keep this hearing brief because she was scheduled for surgery the <br /> 426 following morning and Andy Petesch had agreed to ask for this hearing to be bifurcated out of professional <br /> 427 courtesy to her and because they both agreed that the decision tonight would be important in determining <br /> 428 what happens next. <br /> 429 <br /> 430 MOTION by Barry Katz to close the public hearing. Seconded by Susan Halkiotis. <br /> 431 <br /> 432 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 433 <br /> 434 Karen Barrows asked Susan Halkiotis for her thoughts. <br /> 435 <br /> 436 Susan Halkitos thanked Randy Herman for his questions. She said she is squeamish about being <br /> 437 overreaching. She thinks Andy Petesch made good arguments. However, she comes down on the side of <br /> 9 <br />