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APPROVED JUL Y 9, 2018 <br /> 487 There was then discussion of holding a hearing for the sole purpose of receiving the documents. <br /> E 488 <br /> 489 James Bryan suggested holding a Board of Adjustment meeting in July for the sole purpose of receiving the <br /> 490 documents. <br /> 491 <br /> 492 There was then question of whether witnesses were required to appear in July. <br /> 493 <br /> 494 Andy Petesch said if witnesses were required to appear, he would need a much more specific list of <br /> 495 questions consistent with discovery rules. <br /> 496 <br /> 497 Karen Barrows said she thought only the documents were being required in July. <br /> 498 <br /> 499 Andy Petesch said he was not waiving his objection to producing the documents earlier than the hearing on <br /> 500 the matter. <br /> 501 <br /> 502 LeAnn Brown said the subpoenas attached to the original request ask that witnesses appear before the <br /> 503 Board of Adjustment on a date certain and ask that the documents be produced in advance on a date <br /> 504 certain. Rule 45 allows that. She thinks it is appropriate to require that. <br /> 505 <br /> 506 The board returned to discussing when in July the documents would be required. James Bryan noted the <br /> 507 Board of Adjustment's next meeting would be July 9. He suggested having the people who are subpoenaed <br /> 508 appear at the August Board of Adjustment meeting on August 13. <br /> 509 <br /> 510 Karen Barrows asked for a motion. <br /> 511 <br /> 512 Susan Halktiois told the attorneys in the room that she does not know what Rule 45 means and whether it <br /> 513 does require that the subpoenaed documents be submitted at a hearing of this board. <br /> 514 <br /> 515 James Bryan said if there is nothing else on the agenda and that is the whole reason everyone has to show <br /> 516 up, it might be frustrating. <br /> 517 <br /> 518 Barry Katz said he was in favor of setting the dates of July 9 for the subpoenaed documents and August 13 <br /> 519 for the subpoenaed people, acknowledging that Andy Petesch and LeAnn Brown had said that whatever <br /> 520 the board decided this evening, there would be an appeal. Therefore, those dates may not remain the <br /> 521 same, <br /> 522 <br /> 523 Karen Barrows called for a motion. <br /> 524 <br /> 525 MOTION by Barry Katz to have the information presented on July 9, 2018, to the Board of Adjustment with a <br /> 526 further meeting of all parties August 13, 2018. Seconded by Susan Halkiotis. <br /> 527 <br /> 528 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 529 <br /> 530 <br /> 531 AGENDA ITEM 5: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 532 <br /> 533 MOTION by Barry Katz to adjourn at 8:14 p.m. Seconded by Randy Herman. <br /> 534 <br /> 535 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 536 <br /> 11 <br />