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Approved July 9, 2018 <br />4 <br />Patrick Mallett: It¶s been reviewed by all the various departments and the child care facility is <br />already approved through the state system. They already have their permit and every indication <br />that they will be able to support the expansion. The state has reviewed their septic permits. There <br />is indication that their gallons per day works out mathematically to support their request. <br />Patrick Mallett: The applicant has agreed to pay attention to any land disturbance. This is not <br />above the threshold that would require a stormwater or erosion control permit. To a large extent, <br />they are using the existing building and existing parking so there is very little land disturbance. Any <br />area cleared out for the play area, in terms of significant trees removed, would be replaced to be <br />sure the landscape ordinance is met. I think with that I¶ll stop and see if you have any questions. <br />Or we can enter the testimony into the record. <br />Randy Herman: I have a question. Is there not an outdoor play area at the existing facility? <br />Patrick Mallett: I believe there is. They are required to have one. <br />Dan Rockaway: My wife and I own the school, the business. I¶m a co-applicant with the <br />church. You have to have 100 square feet per child for outdoor playground area. Right now we <br />have three playgrounds, one off of each classroom. For simplicity and to meet regulations, we <br />wanted to add one off of this building. <br />Patrick Mallett: We¶ll go to the applicant. <br />Michael Harvey: Before we go to applicant testimony, I¶d like to request that the board incorporate <br />staff¶s abstract, including all attachments, as corrected this evening with replacement pages 62, <br />63,and 64,with updated notification of this meeting, the notices to all property owners within <br />1,000 feet, a copy of the notice, certification from Mr. Mallett that the sign was posted, certification <br />that the legal ad was properly placed in two papers, in this instance, of local circulation, and the <br />revised Page 81 providing detail as part of deliberation. It would be nice to have a motion to enter <br />staff¶s abstract packet as amended into the record. <br />Samantha Cabe: Do I have a motion to incorporate the abstract packet as amended with the <br />supplemental materials tonight? <br />MOTIONN made by Randy Herman to incorporate the abstract packet as amended with the <br />supplemental materials. Matt Hughes seconded. <br />VOTEE: Unanimous <br />Dan Rockaway: I just want to give you a little history about us. My wife is sitting to your right, <br />Martha Rockaway. We opened this school 7 years ago. Before us, The Little School was there. <br />And before them, Pinewoods Montessori was here. It seems that the schools that have been here <br />have been successful. There is definitely a demand for this need. We started this business 7 years <br />ago.I guess our daughter who is 14 now, inspired in us a passion for early childhood education. <br />My wife is a teacher from Colombia, taught Spanish and French in Colombia, taught Spanish here. <br />When our daughter was born, she read every book she could read on early childhood education. <br />At the time I was in school for an MBA and said let¶s put a business plan together and see how this <br />goes. While watching my daughter learn Spanish, English and Mandarin (when she was 2), I saw <br />how I was struggling in my thirties, trying to learn Spanish. Our school is Spanish emersion, by the <br />way. We have been there for 7 years. That school is licensed for 58 children. We are asking to <br />raise the enrollment cap to 80. About three and a half years ago, we opened up a school in Cary