Orange County NC Website
2 <br />There was some misunderstanding at that meeting about the various jurisdictional <br />responsibilities for the County versus the towns. <br />c. Carrboro preservation commission ideas: See discussion under item 5-b. <br />d. Norwood-Jones Law Office: possible lease: <br />Staff provided a brief overview of the concept of having the county lease the historic office <br />to the Preservation Fund of Hillsborough. Dean Ruedrich, president of the Fund, <br />approached staff about using the office for their meetings and interpretive events. Their <br />conceptual proposal is to operate the office as an historic attraction in cooperation with the <br />Alliance. They are willing to complete the restoration by installing an appropriate heating <br />and air conditioning system, doing interior painting, and adding some interpretive exhibits. <br />The electrical service may need upgrading. The Fund was the group that paid for the <br />restoration work done there in the late 1990s. This lease could be handled much like the <br />Dickson House lease; the Alliance pays for interior maintenance while the county handles <br />all major repairs inside and out. Members supported the concept. <br /> <br />ITEM #6: UPDATES AND INFORMATION ITEMS <br /> <br />a. Piper-Cox House Update: <br />Dickinson gave an update on the status following the submittal of the HPC’s inspection <br />report and recommendations. After a period of no activity, Dickinson sought assistance <br />from State Senator Mike Woodard, who inquired about the status. Within 24 hours, park <br />management shared the news that a contractor had been selected to perform the work. <br />So that is welcome news. Dickinson will monitor and provide an update in January. <br />b. Report on the Chapel Hill Historic District conference: see item 5-b. <br />c. Ideas/discoveries from the sign/marker/digital map subcommittee: <br />Noe provided a visual demonstration of a British web site called Megalith, which shows <br />one way to provide photo and narrative content, coordinated with GIS-style maps with a <br />Google map option. This site that relies mostly on users for its content. It is really just a <br />big database with images and links. Members discussed the issue of posting information <br />and photos about private properties. Many owners will not want any attention or unwanted <br />visitors. Maybe there could be explicit statements cautioning users to respect the property <br />owner’s wishes. Staff gave a demonstration of the Orange County section of the historic <br />site GIS map system developed by the State Historic Preservation Office. This has the <br />capability of including photos and a brief written entry about each property. That is the <br />goal for our data, to have it all loaded into the state web site when we finish the book <br />project; then move on to have it hosted on our county web site. <br />d. Schley Grange National Register Presentation: Deferred to January meeting. <br />e. Book project status/update: <br />Staff noted that our editor/author Laura Phillips will resume work in January on our entries <br />once we can provide her with additional historical information. Our new researcher has <br />done a good job. The Historic Preservation Fund of Hillsborough declined our request for <br />a $25,000 grant to help fund the book. That group has been re-energized with new <br />members and will be undertaking new projects. They plan to be a sponsor. <br />f. Open Air Time for members to share information: <br />Peck provided an overview of activities at the Burwell School. The director has resigned. <br />They are going to produce a small book depicting the enslaved people associated with the <br />Burwell School, 1837-57. He noted that Henry Evans, a skilled free black craftsman, <br />created some furnishings for the altar of St. Matthews Church. These items later got <br />moved to St. Jude’s, a mission church on Dimmock’s Mill Rd. It is pos sible that some of <br />those pieces ended up in Harvey’s Chapel, so we should investigate while we are working <br />on the landmark report. They will have Wm. Andrews there on Feb. 10 to talk about his <br />book “Race and the American South.” There will be a second event on Feb. 23 to release <br />the new booklet about enslaved people. He hopes to provide copies to the HPC members. <br /> <br />ITEM #7: ADJOURNMENT: Menius moved to adjourn, seconded by Noe; meeting adjourned at 8:30 <br />Meeting summary by Peter Sandbeck, DEAPR staff