Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Description: <br /> Proceeding with the ordinance prohibition of the open burning of all landclearing debris, whether <br /> originating from agriculture or development activities. The County would provide no assistance or <br /> subsidies. <br /> Key Issues: <br /> • It is likely that this option would result in a rich soil amendment, however, it is also likely that it <br /> could take several years to compost, without periodic turning, to produce a usable product. <br /> • Space for this option may be limited. <br /> • Leaves compliance up to the individual farmer. <br /> Cost: <br /> • Little to no cost option for agriculture community, aside from the loss of potentially usable <br /> space. <br /> • No cost to County due to the absence of special equipment/staffing by the Solid Waste <br /> Management Department, because no operational assistance would be provided. <br /> Z Leave compliance with prohibition on burning up to individual farmer through utilization of <br /> the private sector, with no active involvement by County. <br /> Description: <br /> This option assumes that the farmer,for whatever reason, chooses not to use the low-tech-no cost <br /> method listed in W. This option presumes that the individual farmer would comply with a <br /> prohibition on the open burning of landclearing debris by utilization of the private sector <br /> infrastructure, without local government operational involvement. <br /> Key Issues: <br /> • May be viewed as contrary to stated interest of BOCC in actively supporting and promoting the <br /> agriculture industry in Orange County. <br /> • May result in the landfilling of landclearing debris because it would likely be the least costly <br /> option, even if hauled to out-of-county landfill. This could be viewed as contrary to county <br /> goals of reducing the landfilling of(all) wastes to the extent possible. <br /> • Existing private timbering/landclearing infrastructure in the region could provide services <br /> necessary to allow agriculture community to comply with ordinance. <br /> • There are no permitted landclearing debris landfills in Orange County. Orange County C&D <br /> landfill is permitted to receive landclearing materials, however permitted C&D disposal space <br /> too valuable and tipping fees are correspondingly prohibitive. <br /> • All landclearing debris landfilling options are located out-of-county, however, even these <br /> landfilling options are limited. <br /> • Eliminates the need for the Solid Waste Management Department to become actively involved in <br /> the on-site management of landclearing debris related to compliance with the prohibition on <br /> burning these materials. <br /> 3 <br />