Agenda - 05-23-2005-w1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-23-2005
Agenda - 05-23-2005-w1
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8/29/2008 8:25:17 PM
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8/29/2008 10:27:33 AM
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5 <br />effective manner. While there are different challenges and issues that affect operations in each <br />department, many common challenges -and opportunities -exist. As part of your discussion at <br />the May 23 work session, the Board may wish to consider whether some or all of the following <br />undertakings might prove worthwhile: <br />1) An effort to build on opporrmities to address common challenges by considering the <br />combined purchase and acquisition of equipment and supplies,. Results so far of the ongoing <br />study by the Robert Segal CPA firm of County and school operations suggest that some of the <br />cost saving methods applicable to the County and both school systems (particularly ttuough,joint <br />purchases and contracts) may likewise be beneficial to the County and volunteer fire and rescue <br />agencies. While some departments have already collaborated to purchase some items together, I <br />believe that greater savings could be gained through a central purchasing point to ensure the best <br />price is obtained. <br />2) As discussed previously, the establislunent of standards Countywide would ensure that every <br />emergency responder is provided with the same quality of tools, equipment, and protective <br />clothing. It would also ensure that the equipment would be compatible and if members from one <br />department had to use equipment from another department, they would be familiar with the <br />operations and could easily use it without delays. <br />3) As our county continues to grow and service demands continue to increase, it would be <br />prudent to be proactive and plan for changes in our public safety delivery systems, County staff <br />can assist volunteer departments through use of GIS tools and advice on the applicability of land <br />use regulations regarding feasible and desirable locations for future fire and rescue stations. <br />Staff can also work with departments as needed to help answer questions of what to do with <br />buildings and assets if an organization can no longer meet growing demands and needs to <br />disband. <br />4) Staff could undertake a dialogue with the leadership of the fire departments to discuss the <br />long-term future of the delivery of fire services in the C_.ounty. A strategic plan could be <br />developed to identify how the increased demand for' services will be met in the upcoming years. <br />Any strategic plan should be developed through a coordinated effort from the volunteer <br />depaztments and county representatives, but moderated through an independent agent that has <br />experience and lanowledge in transitions of public safety systems.. The plan should address <br />where we have been, where we are and where we want to go, and should complement the <br />county's comprehensive planning. <br />5) Staff could review with fire and rescue service leaders the viability of the existing rescue <br />service matrix to determine if it remains a valid framework for service delivery or if updates or <br />modifications are in order. <br />Conclusion <br />All these issues are not unique to Orange County; counties throughout the state and country face <br />these challenges every day. The way in which they are addressed means the difference in being <br />proactive or reactive. A proactive approach delivers a better product and provides for a phased <br />in approach in meeting the needs of the community. <br />
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