Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Agreement Sn Principle Between South Orange Rescue Squad and <br />,;~ Orange County Rescue Squad on the Provision of Rescue Services <br />Within Orange County <br />1. The Squads agree to work together to provide Rescue Services on <br />a county-wide basis. Both Squads will provide Light Vehicle Rescue <br />within their respective geographic areas due to the significant and <br />demonstrated need for this service in both ends of the county. <br />2. OCRS will be the lead agency for the provision of Heavy Rescue <br />within the county. They will. host the equipment, training and <br />response team related to this service due to their proximity to <br />both major interstates within the county. Their large rescue truck <br />will serve as the platform for this service and wi12 be equipped as <br />necessary. <br />3. 50RS will be the lead agency for the provision of Technical <br />Rescue within the county, to include High-Angle, Swiftwater and <br />Confined-Space Rescue. They will host the equipment, training and <br />response team associated with these services due to their current <br />level of training and equipment. <br />4. A member of either Squad may serve on either the Heavy Rescue <br />and/or Technical Rescue response team. Any interested member would <br />be required to be a member in `good standing of their respective <br />Squad and would not be required to also join the other Squad in <br />order to participate. All prospective response team members would <br />have to meet the same minimum entry certifications and training <br />standards as set forth by each response team. <br />5. The Squads will present a joint list to the County <br />commissioners detailing their immediate equipment needs. They will <br />also submit joint Rescue Service budget proposals in the future, <br />detailing their projected equipment and training needs. <br />6. The Squads will work together to provide a joint initial <br />training program for all new members of both organizations: In the <br />future this program would be conducted in conjunction with the <br />training of new members of OCEMS and would cover both EMS and <br />Rescue skills. <br />7. The Squads will. work together to development common operational <br />policies for Rescue Services, as related to each of the various <br />services provided. <br />8. The Squads will work with the Fire Departments of the county to <br />develop a common standard for training and equipping all Fire <br />Department units which might respond to a .light vehicle accident. <br />This standard would include specific pieces of equipment and skills <br />required to perform certain basic automobile extrication <br />techniques. <br />®RA-~T <br />