Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 Commissioner Greene said she has seen new rural buffer signs in Orange County, and <br /> 2 asked Bonnie Hammersley if all have gone up. <br /> 3 Bonnie Hammersley said the signs are in the process of going up. <br /> 4 Commissioner Bedford said April is also Autism awareness month, and today is National <br /> 5 Autism Awareness today. She said she is the mother of a 31-year old daughter with autism. <br /> 6 Commissioner Bedford commended the Information Technology staff for its efforts in <br /> 7 regards to the service breakdown. <br /> 8 Commissioner Bedford referred to petition at the Commissioners' places about LMEs. <br /> 9 She petitioned the Board to support this: <br /> 10 <br /> 11 April 2, 2019 <br /> 12 Petition from Commissioner Bedford <br /> 13 <br /> 14 RE: Email from Kevin Leonard, Executive Director of NCACC dated 3/29/19 to provide input by <br /> 15 4/17/19 on recommended regions for "Tailored Plans" within Medicaid transformation <br /> 16 <br /> 17 1 petition that the Manager and Board provide input in writing to input(a-) by <br /> 18 Wednesday April 17, 2019 for Orange County regional preference regarding the Tailored Plans. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 An earlier map of regions has been developed for those with substance abuse and mental <br /> 21 health needs who will have their physical and mental health services integrated into Prepaid <br /> 22 Health Plans as part of the first phase of Medicaid transformation to a managed care structure. <br /> 23 The participating contracts were announced Feb 4, 2019. First launch set will be in November. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 People with intellectual/developmental disabilities, those with more challenging behavioral <br /> 26 health needs, and some other special populations will be served by "Tailored Plans" under the <br /> 27 Medicaid transformation. The regions are being drawn and will be in place for four years. <br /> 28 NCACC has been asked to provide input for the map. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Orange Co should consider stating a preference to be in the same region as Durham and Wake <br /> 31 counties. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 For example, CASA operates in Durham, Wake and Orange counties to provide housing for <br /> 34 people with mental illness. Their operations and client access would be more efficient if Orange <br /> 35 Co were grouped with Durham and Wake counties. Generally, Orange Co residents would <br /> 36 have greater access to more and more varied services along with public transportation if our <br /> 37 county were grouped with Durham and Wake. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Dorosin asked if Orange County is grouped with anyone currently. <br /> 40 Commissioner Bedford said the Charlotte area. <br /> 41 Chair Rich said the gentleman, who presented to the SWAG, called his efforts <br /> 42 "treecycling". She said he cuts down trees in larger chunks (12-14 feet), so that they can be <br /> 43 repurposed. She said Commissioner Marcoplos is now Chair of the SWAG. <br /> 44 Chair Rich thanked the HRC for the event on Sunday, and thanked the Sheriff and both <br /> 45 deputies here tonight, who were also present on Sunday. She also thanked Rabbi Jen <br /> 46 Feldman, who could not attend the event. She said she, the Rabbi, and a member of the HRC <br /> 47 met prior to the event, and the conversation was helpful. <br /> 48 Chair Rich said the Internet is spotty in the facility tonight. <br />