Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 estimates suggest a total project cost of over $26 million. The final significant project <br /> 2 consideration is whether the County proposes additional general obligation school bonds. The <br /> 3 CIP includes the final allocation of the 2016 bonds in FY2021-22. The Plan does not currently <br /> 4 include additional school bond funding. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Travis Myren made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 7 <br /> 8 INTRODUCTION OF THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN FY2019-24 <br /> 9 Board of Oran_pe County Commissioners <br /> 10 April 2, 2019 <br /> 11 <br /> 12 FY2019-24 Investment Themes <br /> 13 Sustainability and Building Resilience to Climate Change <br /> 14 o County Facility Remediation and Improvements - $3.25 million <br /> 15 o Building and Infrastructure Improvements - $791,300 <br /> 16 o Sustainability Bank - $50,000 <br /> 17 o Parks, Recreation and Open Space - $1.39 million <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Commitment to School Facilities <br /> 20 o Orange County Schools Bond Projects — $20 million <br /> 21 o Deferred Maintenance - $3 million <br /> 22 Economic Development <br /> 23 o Piedmont Food Processing Facility - $185,000 <br /> 24 o Broadband Expansion Phase II - $150,000 <br /> 25 o Hillsborough EDD Supplement - $1.06 million <br /> 26 Public Safety <br /> 27 o Sheriff's Office Body Camera Deployment - $158,380 <br /> 28 o EMS Substations at Waterstone and Efland - $450,000 <br /> 29 o Communication System Radios for Sherriff's Office - $273,250 <br /> 30 o Public Safety Vehicle Replacements - $965,550 <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Capital Investment Plan by the Numbers <br /> 33 • Total Recommended Capital Expenditures - $47.4 million <br /> 34 o County Capital - $10.1 million <br /> 35 o Proprietary Funds - $2.9 million <br /> 36 o School Capital - $34.4 million <br /> 37 • Decrease from FY2018-19 - $19.3 million <br /> 38 o Affordable Housing Bond — 2.5 million <br /> 39 o Northern County Campus - $34.7 million <br /> 40 o Southern Branch Library - $5.6 million <br /> 41 o Building Remediation - $3.5 million <br /> 42 Debt Service Increase - $982,162 <br /> 43 o Tax Rate Equivalent— 0.63 cents <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Commissioner Dorosin said the total is $47.4 million, with a decrease of$19.3 million, <br /> 46 and asked if that is already taken out of the $47.4 million. <br /> 47 Travis Myren said yes; the amended 2018-19 CIP was $67 million. <br /> 48 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the projects that are on the decrease, are being pushed <br /> 49 forward. <br />