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17 <br /> 1 Link Government Services Center, Government Services Annex, and Soltys Adult <br /> 2 Care facility. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 The FY2019-20 CIP is recommending increasing the investment in County facilities <br /> 5 to improve their resiliency to more intense and frequent weather events. The <br /> 6 recommended investments are contained in four CIP Projects. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 o Government Services Annex/Board of Elections - $375,000 <br /> 9 <br /> 10 During FY2018-19, the County invested $643,290 to complete urgent repair <br /> 11 and remediation of the Government Services Annex. An additional capital <br /> 12 budget amendment will be presented for Board consideration for an <br /> 13 additional $704,360 to complete many of the remaining remediation activities. <br /> 14 These emergency remediation activities included relocating the electrical <br /> 15 service, replacing the heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system, and <br /> 16 cleaning all of the surfaces and equipment. The underlying cause of water <br /> 17 intrusion and moisture in this facility is its location within the flood plain. Due <br /> 18 to this location, any significant rain event causes flooding in the basement. <br /> 19 This project proposes to correct the root cause by sealing the basement from <br /> 20 the first floor of the building and installing storm water diversion and drainage <br /> 21 improvements. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 o Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling (HVAC) Projects - $1,157,500 <br /> 24 <br /> 25 The FY2019-20 CIP recommends increasing the investment in HVAC <br /> 26 projects to mitigate humidity in County facilities. The FY2018-19 investment <br /> 27 totaled $142,000; however, $105,000 was repurposed for emergency <br /> 28 remediation projects. Comparatively, the recommended FY2019-20 <br /> 29 investment is over$1.1 million. This project includes a Humidity Impact Study <br /> 30 ($50,000) as well as system replacements for the Central Recreation Facility <br /> 31 ($165,000), Hillsborough Commons ($88,000), Mural Courtroom ($32,000), <br /> 32 Seymour Center ($132,000), and the Southern Human Services Center <br /> 33 ($357,000). This project also contains a backup cooling unit for the County's <br /> 34 data center ($35,000) and an emergency replacement fund ($50,000) for <br /> 35 unexpected equipment failures. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 o Roofing and Fagade Projects - $1,142,800 <br /> 38 <br /> 39 The goal of the Roofing and Fagade project is to repair known points of <br /> 40 failure and to proactively identify measures to protect County facilities from <br /> 41 water intrusions. The FY2018-19 Capital Budget included $369,800 in roofing <br /> 42 and fagade repairs. Of this amount, $174,800 was repurposed for <br /> 43 remediation projects, and a new$41,200 will be requested to complete <br /> 44 urgent roof repairs on the District Attorney's building. <br /> 45 The FY2019-20 project recommends nearly $1.2 million in roofing and <br /> 46 fagade investments. This project will fund a Building and Fagade study <br /> 47 ($25,000) and a third party inspection process ($55,000) as preventative <br /> 48 elements. Funding is also recommended to repair or replace roofing and <br /> 49 fagade features at the Motor Pool Facility ($180,500), Central Recreation <br /> 50 ($45,000), Hillsborough Commons ($376,000), the Justice Facility <br />