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62 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 271 Michael Harvey asserted that it would be the totality of all the definitions, standards and framework that would <br /> 272 establish the County with the authority to say they are a place of worship and reiterated it would have to be done on a <br /> 273 case-by-case basis. <br /> 274 <br /> 275 Randy Marshall asked whether the Rams club would be considered a place of worship. Mr. Harvey stated that for <br /> 276 some people, yes, but it would be considered a club with respect to the construction of the UDO. Randy stated that <br /> 277 that was his pointed and commented that it was in the mind of the beholder. Mr. Harvey replied that he understood <br /> 278 but stated that it would be a club based on the current definition. <br /> 279 <br /> 280 Alexander Gregory remarked that he thought there to enough logic there in the case-by-case basis. <br /> 281 <br /> 282 Michael Harvey commented that Randy had a valid point but stated there would be larger issues involved if <br /> 283 everything remained in one central category. He explained it would be difficult to handle and try to make exclusions <br /> 284 instead of just splitting it out. <br /> 285 <br /> 286 Craig Benedict commented that he felt as though there was something missing in regard to someone wanting to put <br /> 287 an assembly facility for retreat uses in a commercial area. He stated that this type of situation would have previously <br /> 288 been captured by the general category. <br /> 289 <br /> 290 Michael Harvey remarked that if the board wanted to add retreat center as a permitted use in any commercial district, <br /> 291 they could do so and then staff could incorporate. Mr. Harvey recommended that since the board was already going <br /> 292 to ask the County Attorney for direction prior to voting, that they might want to add for the staff to consider allowing <br /> 293 retreat centers in commercial zoning districts as well. Mr. Benedict mentioned that they sort of had that and stated <br /> 294 he couldn't think of anything else to call it in the table. <br /> 295 <br /> 296 Michael Harvey spoke on special events and mentioned that it was split out. He explained there was now a <br /> 297 distinction between rural special events and special events and stated that rural special events by definition have to <br /> 298 happen on a farm. He continued to page 69(A)through 73 and stated there were only formatting changes. He <br /> 299 then reminded everyone of the provision he spoke of earlier regarding the burden of persuasion in section 5.3.2. He <br /> 300 then moved to page 74 which eliminates all the regulatory standards for governing how we approve dorms,fraternity, <br /> 301 and sororities. He stated 74 (A) had changes in formatting. He briefly spoke of the change performed on page 79 <br /> 302 dealing with Class 2 kennels and explained any changes that occurred. <br /> 303 <br /> 304 Michael Harvey then guided the board to pages 79 through 83 regarding short term rentals. He said they had <br /> 305 lumped everything into term short-term rentals and explained that they had eliminated all the discretionary standards <br /> 306 of evaluation per the attorney's requirements. Additionally, Mr. Harvey mentioned they had eliminated some of the <br /> 307 language listed for short term rental large referencing that it had to demonstrate a compliance with parking which <br /> 308 was already mandated by the ordinance. <br /> 309 <br /> 310 Lydia Wegman, asked Mr. Harvey if he meant for rentals. Mr. Harvey replied, yes and explained that a site plan <br /> 311 would have to be submitted and it would have to demonstrate compliance with the code. <br /> 312 <br /> 313 Michael Harvey stated there has been questions raised about how this impacts Airbnb. Mr. Harvey stated that the <br /> 314 current ordinance does not allow for nonhost occupied structures in the residential zoning districts. He stated, if you <br /> 315 want to go through a Special Use Permit,you can technically have a non-host occupied structure, but you can't have <br /> 316 an Airbnb. Furthermore, if you don't have a host then it's not a short-term rental and therefore is not permitted. In <br /> 317 fact, Mr. Harvey stated, it would be a nonhost occupied short-term rental which is not permitted in residential districts <br /> 318 and that is consistent with the current code. This does not impact the rental of a house for use as a single-family <br /> 319 residence. <br /> 320 <br /> 321 Randy Marshall, does this knock down the arboretums desire to use that house as an Airbnb <br /> 322 <br /> 323 Michael Harvey conveyed that there would still be existing impacts on the Keith Arboretum from the current code. <br /> 324 Mr. Harvey said that it didn't add any heightened level of complexity to their ability to do that and questioned whether <br /> 325 or not the lease allows it to happen in the first place. <br />