Orange County NC Website
39 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Short Term Rentals (new New definition of the various categories of Red Underlined text represents new <br /> definitions) Short Term Rental: definition. <br /> Short Term Rental Small —A dwelling All overnight accommodation land uses <br /> occupied by a host which provides up to are being combined into a single land <br /> three questrooms for overnight rental or use construct. <br /> lease. <br /> Proposed limits on these uses are <br /> Short Term Rental Large— Host Occupied: consistent with existing policies enforced <br /> A dwelling occupied by a host which within the UDO. <br /> provides more than three questrooms for <br /> overnight rental or lease. Uses are being combined to ensure <br /> clarity with respect to what is and is not <br /> Short Term Rental— Non-host Occupied: A allowed in a given general use zoning <br /> dwelling which provides questrooms for district as it relates to an overnight <br /> overnight rental or lease but is not accommodation. <br /> occupied by a host. <br /> Starch, Vegetable Fats, and Definition of new land use: Red Underlined text represents new <br /> Oils Manufacturing (new) definition. <br /> Establishments primarily engaged in <br /> creating a finished oil based product by: To ensure clarity with respect to how <br /> (a)Wet milling corn and vegetables; staff will view this particular use. <br /> (b) Crushing oilseeds and tree nuts; <br /> (c) Refining and/or blending vegetable <br /> oil. <br /> (d) Manufacturing shortening and <br /> margarine; andor <br /> (e) Blending purchased animal fats <br /> with vegetable fats <br /> Storage of Goods (new) New definition of existing land use: Red Underlined text represents new <br /> definition. <br /> A land use where secured space, indoors <br /> or outdoors, is rented to tenants for the To ensure clarity with respect to how <br /> safeguarding and/or keeping of general staff will view this particular use. <br /> merchandise, refrigerated goods, and <br /> other personal items on a short or long <br /> term basis. <br /> Textile Mills (new) Definition of new land use: Red Underlined text represents new <br /> definition. <br /> Land uses involved with the transformation <br /> of a basic fiber, natural or synthetic, into a To ensure clarity with respect to how <br /> final product further manufacturing into staff will view this particular use. <br /> usable items off-site. <br />