Orange County NC Website
37 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Deletion of the terms Existing land use categories are being The County cannot rely on definitions to <br /> Restaurant Carry-Out, eliminated in their entirety. As a result establish land use regulations. Existing <br /> Restaurant Drive-In, Retail definitions are being eliminated as well definitions establish 'land use' criteria as <br /> Class 1, 2, and 3 to what is and is not allowed (i.e. number <br /> of trips per day) or what services are <br /> permitted. <br /> We are no longer going to have different <br /> classed of'retail' and 'restaurant' land <br /> uses. <br /> The information contained within these <br /> definitions has been incorporated into <br /> Article 5 of the UDO addressing how <br /> each land use is developed within a <br /> given general use zoning districts. <br /> Further, all 'retail' and 'restaurants' have <br /> been combined into single land use <br /> categories (i.e. retail and eating <br /> establishments). <br /> Retail Use (existing Existing definition modified as follows: Red Underlined text represents new <br /> modified) definition. <br /> An establishment focused on selling goods <br /> or merchandise to the general public for Additional information is necessary in <br /> personal or household consumption and order to ensure clarity and legal <br /> the rendering of services incidental to the sufficiency with how the County will be <br /> sale of merchandise. Sale of looking at retail operations. <br /> goods or merchandise can be completed <br /> either by direct on-site purchase or through <br /> the receipt of a request/order of an item <br /> that is mailed or picked up by the <br /> purchaser. Term includes the rental of <br /> durable/convenience goods, merchandise, <br /> and equipment. <br /> Retreat Center(existing Existing definition modified as follows: Red Bold Strikethrouc <br /> modified) tuft eliminated. Red Underlined text <br /> An assembly land use new or exmstm^^ represents new definition. <br /> facility operated by a cnrnor�tion nr <br /> association of persons or churches for Existing definition being modified to <br /> providinq social and recreational ensure clarity with respect to how the <br /> purposes amenities ser.,icec �nrl County will view a 'retreat center'. <br /> activities to its clientele operated as a <br /> commercial activity. a retreat ^enter.,,�,• <br /> heowned by a Profit o o+_for_nrofi+ <br /> Gorporatmon. <br /> Rural Guest Establishment Existing definitions of'Rural Guest Existing definition is being eliminated to <br /> (existing definition deleted) Establishments' which includes: Bed and ensure consistency with respect to how <br /> Breakfast, Bed and Breakfast Inn, and the use is going to be classified within <br /> Country Inn are being deleted. These the revised table of permitted uses. <br /> uses are now part of the Short Term <br /> Rental land use. <br />