Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Health and Personal Care New definition: New definition to ensure term is property <br /> Facility(new) defined in the context the County staff <br /> A public or private facility, establishment, proposes to see the use regulated as. <br /> or institution providing housing for 16 or <br /> more unrelated individuals who are Designed to create a catchall category <br /> furnished meals and health/personal care for all `group' living situations for 16 or <br /> on a continuing basis. Term includes: more people as well as consolidate all <br /> convalescent homes, nursing homes, rest elder care operations into a single land <br /> homes, assisted living facility, sanatoria, use category. <br /> homes for the elderly, <br /> handicapped, disabled, youthful offenders, <br /> addicted to alcohol or drugs, requiring <br /> professional health care, adult supervision, <br /> or rehabilitation. <br /> Elimination of the definition Definitions being eliminated and captured Overnight accommodation(s)are now <br /> of`Hotel, Motel, Motor as part of the new Short Term Rental handled through the permitting and <br /> Lodge, Motor Inn, Inn construct consistent. definition of Short Term Rental. <br /> Tourist Court' and `Hotel, <br /> Residential' <br /> Elimination of the definition Definitions are being eliminated. The County cannot rely on definitions to <br /> of`Industrial, Light', establish land use regulations. <br /> `Industrial, Medium', and As a result, the information has been <br /> `Industrial, Heavy' incorporated into the table. <br /> Elimination of the definition Definition being eliminated. Land use As currently listed, a Kennel Class I <br /> of`Kennel Class I' category is being eliminated. could be developed as a principal use of <br /> property(i.e. the housing of animals with <br /> no other land use). <br /> Staff is of the opinion it would not be <br /> prudent to allow for this to use to be <br /> developed as a principal, sole, use of <br /> property. It should be considered a <br /> customary accessory use to a single- <br /> family residence. <br /> The use was, apparently, originally <br /> included to mirror language with Orange <br /> County Animal Services regulations, <br /> which at one point apparently had a <br /> Kennel Class I permit. This no longer <br /> exists. <br /> The term and land use category are now <br /> redundant. <br />