Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Center in a Residence Use type located within Aa residence in Revised definition to ensure term is <br /> (existing modified) which offering temporary child care to property defined in the context the <br /> clients, including children, adolescents, County wished to see regulated. R-L-d <br /> and adults, for no more than eight hours in Bold Underlined Strikethrou*h Text is <br /> a 24 hour period as n eyilde.t mohi..h existing language being eliminated as <br /> located on a n„hlic st:aip~mined part of this proposal. <br /> react and which Provides nhild a for <br /> more than three but no more than 49 <br /> r h i I�.wiia_Fe41-. <br /> Child Care Facility Use type offering temporary care to clients, Revised definition to ensure term is <br /> (existing modified) including children, adolescents, and adults, property defined in the context the <br /> for no more than eight hours in a 24 hour County staff wishes to see the land use <br /> period. Care can be offered regardless of regulated as. <br /> the time of day and whether or not <br /> operated for profit. Term includes child Definition modified as indicated. <br /> care centers, and any other child care <br /> arrangement not excluded by General <br /> Statute 110-86(2), that provides child care. <br /> a)A child care center is an <br /> arrangement where, at any one time, <br /> there are three or more pre-school <br /> children or nine or more school-aged <br /> children receiving child care. <br /> b)A family child care home is a child <br /> care arrangement located in a <br /> residence where, at any one time, <br /> more than two children, but fewer <br /> than nine children, receive child care. <br /> Chemical Manufacturing New definition: New definition to ensure term is property <br /> and Processing—Other defined in the context the County staff <br /> than Pharmaceutical and A land use involved with the transformation proposes to see the use regulated as. <br /> Medicine (new) of organic and inorganic raw materials by <br /> various processes for the formulation of <br /> non-pharmaceutical and non-medical <br /> products including the creation of base <br /> chemicals, dyes, gasses, resins, etc. <br /> Elimination of the definition Definition being eliminated. Replaced by The term `Church' has a specific <br /> of'Church' the term `Place of Worship' as connotation to it that could be construed <br /> recommended by staff. as limiting other places of worship that <br /> do not `fit' within the concept of how <br /> some would define the plain meaning of <br /> the word. <br /> Staff is recommending a term that is <br /> more encompassing to avoid narrow <br /> interpretation. <br />