Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Section 5.21 Retail 1. Renumbering of UDO sections to Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> accommodate modifications; eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> 2. Eliminating contradictory language to language associated with the <br /> ensure uniformity within the UDO identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> related to the use of headers; for the identified land uses. <br /> 3. Section 5.21.1 — Establishment of Identification of existing/new land use <br /> base land use development criteria development standards consistent with <br /> for general retail land uses in new UDO format. <br /> accordance with existing limitations <br /> identified in the current UDO; <br /> 4. Section 5.21.2—relocation and <br /> preservation of existing County Store <br /> development regulations. <br /> Section 5.22 Miscellaneous 1. Renumbering of UDO sections to Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> Uses accommodate modifications; eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> 2. Eliminating contradictory language to language associated with the <br /> ensure uniformity within the UDO identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> related to the use of headers; for the identified land uses. <br /> 3. Maintaining existing regulations for Identification of existing/new land use <br /> Major Subdivisions. development standards consistent with <br /> new LIDO format. <br /> Section 6.9.7 Off-street Updating parking requirements for various Addressing legal sufficiency by ensuring <br /> Parking Standards land uses. This includes changing names consistency with revised table. <br /> of land uses to be consistent with <br /> proposed table of permitted uses. <br /> Article 10 Definitions <br /> New definition: New definition to ensure term is property <br /> defined in the context the County staff <br /> Apparel Manufacturing Land uses involved with the manufacturing proposes to see the use regulated as. <br /> (new) of garments, which can include ready-to- <br /> wear and custom garments. <br /> Assembly Use (new) New definition: New definition to ensure term is property <br /> defined in the context the County staff <br /> A land use providing space, indoors or proposes to see the use regulated as. <br /> outdoors, allowing for the congregation of <br /> persons for the purpose of observing, <br /> listening, or engaging in a service, <br /> performance, or activity. <br /> Elimination of the definition Definition being eliminated. Made <br /> of`Auditorium' redundant by the proposed definition of <br /> `Assembly Use'. <br />