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20 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Section 5.7 Standards for 1. Renumbering of UDO sections to Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> Recreational Uses accommodate modifications; eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> 2. Eliminating contradictory language to language associated with the <br /> ensure uniformity within the UDO identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> related to the use of headers; for the identified land uses. <br /> 3. Section 5.7.5—elimination of Identification of existing/new land use <br /> references to Retreat Center, which development standards consistent with <br /> is being moved to the Assembly land new UDO format. <br /> use category. Elimination of <br /> reference in Section 5.7.5 (A) (2) (b) Movement of existing standards to more <br /> to the site plan showing the distance appropriate section(s) as identified <br /> to the nearest residential structure. herein. <br /> This language, which is part of the <br /> site plan submittal, has been moved <br /> to Section 5.7.5 (A) (1) (d); <br /> 4. Elimination of Theater, which is <br /> being moved to the Assembly land <br /> use category. <br /> New Section 5.8 Standards 1. Renumbering of UDO sections to Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> for Care and Educational accommodate modifications; eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> Facilities language associated with the <br /> 2. Eliminating contradictory language to identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> ensure uniformity within the UDO related to the use of headers; for the identified land uses. <br /> 3. Section 5.8.1 and 5.8.2 — Identification of existing/new land use <br /> Elimination of references to development standards consistent with <br /> `Daycare'or`Child'. Proposed new UDO format. <br /> revisions to the UDO allow for`care' <br /> in a residence in general. <br /> Development standards are also <br /> proposed; <br /> 4. Section 5.8.3—existing regulations <br /> associated with the development of a <br /> Non-profit Educational Cooperative <br /> are being repurposed to govern <br /> development of Schools: <br /> Universities, Colleges, and <br /> Institutes.; <br /> 5. Section 5.6.4—renaming of use <br /> category consistent with revised <br /> table; <br /> 6. Section 5.8.5— Establishment of <br /> regulations governing Technical, <br /> Trade, and Skill training schools. <br />