Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> Land Use Category Majority of uses relocated into different <br /> land use categories consistent with new <br /> Miscellaneous Uses format. <br /> Section 5.3.2 Special Uses Modification of Section 5.3.2 (A) (1)to add To address legal sufficiency concerns, <br /> language concerning the `burden of staff is adding language to ensure proper <br /> persuasion'for special use permit identification of applicant requirements <br /> applications. associated with the processing of a <br /> special use permit. <br /> Section 5.4.1 Yard Sale and Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> Section 5.4.2 Temporary Eliminating contradictory language to eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> Fund Raising Activity ensure uniformity within the UDO related language associated with the <br /> to the use of headers. identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> for the identified land uses. <br /> Section 5.4.3 Special 1. Updating existing language to ensure Addressing legal sufficiency of the UDO <br /> Events property format with other sections of by eliminating redundant and <br /> the UDO (i.e. adding `Use Standards' unnecessary language, ensuring <br /> heading ; `Standards of Evaluation' ; consistent use of header references <br /> `Submittal Requirements' ; etc.); throughout the document, and ensuring <br /> 2. Moving of regulations currently regulations are moved from definitions <br /> contained in definitions to the into the actual `standards' associated <br /> appropriate section of the UDO (See with a specific land use. <br /> Section 5.4.3 (B) (1) (a))to ensure County Attorney has indicated staff does <br /> we are properly identifying an not have discretion to wave or modify the <br /> enforcement standard; UDO. Offending language being <br /> 3. Elimination of redundant language eliminated. <br /> (i.e. plot plan submittal requirements <br /> are already addressed in the UDO Special Events are not allowed through a <br /> and do not need to be repeated SUP process. So the language is <br /> here); redundant and unnecessary. <br /> 4. Elimination of references to a special <br /> use permit (there is no special use <br /> permit required under the current <br /> ordinance). <br /> Section 5.4.4 Temporary Eliminating contradictory language to Addressing legal sufficiency by <br /> Use of a Residential Mobile ensure uniformity within the UDO related eliminating redundant and unnecessary <br /> Home;Section 5.4.5 to the use of headers. language associated with the <br /> Buildings for Temporary identification of`standards of evaluation' <br /> Uses;Section 5.5.1 for the identified land uses. <br /> Accessory Structures and <br /> Uses <br /> New Section 5.5.2 Adding language referencing what To address legal sufficiency concerns, <br /> Campgrounds provisions govern the development of a staff is adding language to ensure proper <br /> campground. identification of permit requirements. <br />