Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> New Table: 1. Updating of symbols; Staff is combining several similar land <br /> 2. Consolidate medical land uses (i.e. uses into a single category consistent <br /> Medical Uses doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, etc.) into with direction from the BOCC. <br /> a single land use category and avoid There is no separate/distinct impact <br /> exhaustive list; between various medical offices (i.e. <br /> 3. Create distinctions between a podiatrist, general practitioner, <br /> veterinary clinic(i.e. no overnight pediatrician, dentist, etc.) requiring they <br /> accommodation of animals requiring be listed separately within the table of <br /> care)versus a veterinary hospital(i.e. permitted uses. <br /> possible overnight accommodation of Language added to Article 5 to address <br /> animals requiring care); distinctions from a permitting standpoint, <br /> 4. Establish distinction between hospital where necessary(i.e. size limits on <br /> and other medical land uses. offices, services offered—onsite lab or <br /> not, etc.). <br /> Hospitals are required to adhere to <br /> specific requirements under State law to <br /> be permitted/developed. Creating the <br /> distinction is necessary to address this <br /> compliance point in State law. <br /> New Table: 1. Updating of symbols; Staff is combining several similar land <br /> 2. Consolidate office land uses (i.e. uses into a single category consistent <br /> Office and Financial Service lawyer, architect, real estate, with direction from the BOCC. <br /> Uses contractor with no on-site storage of There is no separate/distinct impact <br /> equipment, etc.) into a single land use between various professional offices <br /> category and avoid exhaustive list; requiring they be listed separately within <br /> 3. Allow for additional uses within the the table of permitted uses. <br /> EDH-4 and EDH-5 zoning districts; Language added to Article 5 to address <br /> 4. Create distinctions between land uses distinctions from a permitting standpoint, <br /> to ensure development concerns are where necessary. <br /> addressed. Specifically staff is Contractor's office with on-site storage is <br /> recommending creating a distinction being treated differently to ensure there <br /> between a building contractor's office is adequate buffering/screening of <br /> with and without on-site storage. storage areas. <br /> Further staff is recommending Expand where office and financial <br /> Pawnshop or Payday Loan operations <br /> be prohibited. service land uses are permitted, <br /> including specific focus on the <br /> Hillsborough EDD districts, consistent <br /> with BOCC direction. <br />