Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> SECTION BEING WHAT HAS CHANGED WHY <br /> MODIFIED <br /> New Table: 1. Update of symbols; Staff is combining several similar land <br /> 2. Rename existing land use category uses into a single category consistent <br /> Manufacturing, Assembly, (i.e. Manufacturing, Assembly, with direction staff has received to <br /> Processing and Distribution Processing Uses)to include consolidate land uses where possible to <br /> Uses - Food appropriate language identifying avoid a complicated, exhaustive, table of <br /> `what' activities will be allowed; permitted uses. <br /> 3. Provide a distinction between food Language added to Article 5 to address <br /> manufacturing land uses versus other distinctions from a permitting standpoint, <br /> non-food manufacturing operations; where necessary. <br /> 4. Identify those food manufacturing land Identified land use categories (i.e. winery <br /> uses that require heightened permit and microbrewery) have been combined <br /> review or are simply not permitted. to ensure consistency with BOCC <br /> direction and avoid unnecessary <br /> As part of this proposal Animal duplication. Regulations for each activity <br /> Slaughtering and Processing(i.e. not (i.e. (production only, with minor events, <br /> on a farm); Seafood Preparation and with major events) are now contained in <br /> Packaging(i.e. not on a farm); Article 5 for each land use rather than <br /> Tobacco Processing(i.e. not on a have separate land uses outlining same. <br /> farm)would not be permitted for <br /> development within the County; Expand where office and financial <br /> 5. Allow for uses within the EDH-4 and service land uses are permitted, <br /> EDH-5 general use zoning districts; including specific focus on the <br /> Hillsborough EDD districts, consistent <br /> 6. Consolidate existing land uses such with BOCC direction. <br /> as Winery(production only, with minor <br /> events, with major events) and <br /> Microbrewery(production only, with <br /> minor events, with major events) into <br /> single land use categories. <br /> New Table: 1. Update of symbols; Staff is combining several similar land <br /> 2. Rename existing land use category to uses into a single category consistent <br /> Manufacturing, Assembly, provide a distinction between food with direction staff has received to <br /> Processing and Distribution manufacturing land uses versus other consolidate land uses where possible to <br /> Uses - Other non-food manufacturing operations; avoid a complicated, exhaustive, table of <br /> permitted uses. <br /> 3. Allow for additional uses within the Language added to Article 5 to address <br /> EDH-4 and EDH-5 zoning districts; distinctions from a permitting standpoint, <br /> 4. Identify those manufacturing land where necessary. <br /> uses that require heightened permit <br /> review or are not permitted. As part of Identify those land uses that require <br /> this proposal Chemical Manufacturing heightened level of permit review, are <br /> and Processing— Other;Firearm only allowed in identified districts, or are <br /> Manufacturing and Assembly; prohibited. <br /> Leather Hide Tanning and Finishing Expand where office and financial <br /> (i.e. not on a farm) ; Petroleum and service land uses are permitted, <br /> Coal Product Processing; Pulp, including specific focus on the <br /> Paper, and Paperboard Mills would Hillsborough EDD districts, consistent <br /> not be permitted. with BOCC direction. <br />