Orange County NC Website
RES-2019-025 <br /> 2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> A RESOLUTION IN RESPONSE TO RECENT ACTS OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC INTIMIDATION <br /> ON THE CAMPUS OF UNC-CHAPEL HILL <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is home to many students, employees, and alumnae/-i of the University of <br /> North Carolina at Chapel Hill, including an estimated 29,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional <br /> students, and the life of the southeastern portion of our County is intertwined with the life of the <br /> University; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 31, 2019, two persons desecrated the Unsung Founders Memorial in McCorkle <br /> Place on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus by defacing it with racist graffiti and with urine; and someone <br /> vandalized an installation outside Hanes Art Center with racist language; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 16, 2019, persons associated with a white supremacist group carried firearms and <br /> other weapons onto the UNC-Chapel Hill campus in violation of the North Carolina General Statutes and <br /> campus policy; and an Alert Carolina emergency notification was not issued; and no arrests were made <br /> and no citations or trespass notices were issued; and <br /> WHEREAS, on April 10, 2019 a statement was released by UNC Hillel that a number of anti-Semitic <br /> flyers have been found in Davis Library with references to "an evil Jewish plot" and the missive, "do <br /> everything you can to fight the silent covert Jewish attempt to enslave and kill good Americans"; and <br /> WHEREAS, student anti-racist activists have been prohibited indefinitely from entering certain areas of <br /> the campus, including McCorkle Place, despite having been found not guilty of the criminal charges <br /> related to their trespass notices or having had those charges dismissed; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored <br /> People (NAACP), the Carolina Black Caucus, and others have called on UNC-Chapel Hill to take bolder <br /> action in response to acts of racial and ethnic intimidation and threats by white supremacists to the safety <br /> of the community; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners appreciates Interim Chancellor Kevin <br /> Guskiewicz's statement that "we must nurture an environment where all people in our community can <br /> live, learn and work without fear"; and the Board is encouraged by the arrests on April 8 of the persons <br /> believed to have desecrated the Unsung Founders Memorial; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners urges its neighbor and <br /> partner, UNC-Chapel Hill, to rescind trespass warnings against student anti-racist activists; to press <br /> charges and issue trespass warnings against persons who on March 16 carried firearms onto the <br /> campus; to clarify when the community may expect the presence of an armed person on or near the <br /> campus to trigger an Alert Carolina emergency notification; and to invite community members not <br /> necessarily affiliated with the University to participate in the campus safety commission being convened <br /> by the interim chancellor. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County wishes to partner with UNC-Chapel Hill in a shared <br /> commitment to helping students feel safe through better communications, education about the Orange <br /> County Sheriff's Office and other law enforcement agencies, opportunities to participate in County <br /> programming and advisory committees, continued participation in the Good Neighbor Initiative, and other <br /> efforts. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board asks the Clerk to the Board to share this resolution with the <br /> interim chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill and the members of the Chapel Hill Town Council, the <br /> Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, and the Carrboro Board of Aldermen. <br /> This the 16th day of April, 2019. <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />