Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BB65AEA-3E6A-45BE-8A7F-19FFOF9A712A <br /> EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> allocation is recommended. <br /> Kidzu is committed to providing the program to all agency partners in 2018-19. In this <br /> application, we have presented a menu of program offerings designed to nurture long-term <br /> relationships with individual neighborhoods and individual families with the goal of creating <br /> and supporting educational growth for all children and families in Orange County and <br /> meaningful engagement with the museum regardless of an individual's ability to pay for <br /> services. Whilst we passionately believe in the continuum of services as described, we <br /> recognize the funding source is limited and there are many non-profits in our community <br /> providing valuable services. If the full award cannot be granted, we will divide the services <br /> equally between the program partners prioritizing the academic out of school time support <br /> and possibly combine program elements at central locations to reduce cost. <br /> k) What percentage of your target population is low-moderate income? <br /> 100% <br /> 1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br /> (e.g. survey, evaluations, etc.?) <br /> Kidzu is dedicated to a cycle of evaluation and feedback, and intentionally creates open channels of <br /> communication with all stakeholders with an eye on constantly improving programs and museum <br /> visitor experiences. We know that ongoing feedback strengthens our programs and positively <br /> impacts relationships with all our participants and visitors. <br /> We distribute post surveys to all children who participated in our STEM Box activities and to all <br /> children and families who attended a STEM Night. We invite all teachers, caregivers and <br /> chaperones who attend our on-site field trips to complete a post survey and for all summer camp <br /> and school's out camp participants to complete a post survey on their last day. We also survey <br /> parents and caregivers via survey monkey at the end of each camp session. <br /> m) Include any other pertinent information. <br />