Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1BB65AEA-3E6A-45BE-8A7F-19FFOF9A712A <br /> EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> The program spans a full academic year, focuses on developing a love of learning through <br /> engaging STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities and building relationships <br /> with the children and families who do not have regular access to Kidzu because of limited financial <br /> resources or transportation. The program directly addresses the need to provide supplemental <br /> educational services to children and families living in under resourced communities. <br /> e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br /> Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br /> Council/Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill <br /> Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br /> Addressing Orange County's need to provide "sufficient low-cost/ free activities that <br /> positively engage children and youth, especially those from at-risk and low-income <br /> households", Kidzu plans to continue to extend its existing enriching out-of-school time <br /> services, targeting specific neighborhoods in Orange County and investing in <br /> relationship-building with families living in these neighborhoods to help them better access <br /> the kinds of unique and valuable learning opportunities that a children's museum inherently <br /> provides. 13.4% of children live in poverty in Orange County (Census, 2010) and, at Kidzu, <br /> we are well aware our location does not cultivate a sense of belonging for all children and <br /> families throughout our region. Financial resources determines access to quality education <br /> for children living in poverty (Child Care Services Association (2005). North Carolina Early <br /> Childhood Systems Study.), therefore, Kidzu emphasizes program design that meets <br /> childrens and families in their community and establishes a relationship between the staff: <br /> and the children and families. <br /> Kidzu facilitates engaging STEM activities that inspires a sense of wonder and <br /> inquisitiveness, and connects to classroom activities adhering to state standards. This <br /> out-of-school time educational support works to fill the achievement gap that grows <br /> exponentially for students in at-risk and low-income households, specifically time spent out <br /> of school. As Kidzu says, it's more of an "opportunity gap" and with the right resources and <br /> support we can provide transformative educational opportunities for children and families <br /> stuck in the poverty cycle. <br /> For the 2018-19 Human Services funding, Kidzu plans to continue working with the Cedar <br /> Grove community, the families at pre-schools run by Orange County Partnership for Young <br /> Children, the families at New Hope Elementary, and to build on a new relationship in Efland <br /> Cheeks. Experience, community collaboration and data informs these choices. <br /> f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will they be <br /> identified and connected with the program? <br /> The target population is children aged 0-12 years and their caregivers living in underserved <br /> communities, specifically students enrolled at New Hope Elementary and families <br /> participating in programs at the Cedar Grove Community Center, Fairview Child and Family <br /> Center and Efland Cheeks Community Center. We estimate over 1,000 children will have <br /> access to Kidzu's programs at the community centers and over 400 parents and caregivers <br /> will benefit from Kidzu's Open Access Sundays and STEM Nights. <br />